Julie Taton Encounters Challenges in Mons Residency Controversy

The elections are approaching, on October 13th, and in the meantime, Julie Taton, second on the liberal list “Mons en mieux” for the local elections, is still undecided about her fate, this after the refusal, a few weeks ago, of her domicile in the Doudou estate.

Politically, the MR of Georges-Louis Bouchez, who is leading the list and challenging the socialist Nicolas Martin, mayor today, does not imagine going back. The party launched its real-fake candidate from Walloon Brabant fully into the Hainaut campaign, without waiting. A rookie assures us: “Julie is always on the ground and the longer the saga goes on, the more popular she becomes; we talk about her all the time, it’s just good…” Message therefore hammered home at the Toison d’Or: we continue, whatever happens, Julie Taton will present herself to the voters of Mons on October 13.

In this case, it is “whatever happens” on the legal-judicial level, if we understand correctly, where the battle is raging and the party’s lawyers are active on all fronts. This Friday, they appeared before the municipal college to defend the appeal filed against the decision – on August 1st, it was before the refusal of domiciliation – of the voters’ register of the City of Mons, on which the name of Julie Taton does not appear since she was then domiciled in Lasne.

The college listened to the defense’s arguments late Friday morning, then met behind closed doors to deliberate and reject the claim… We read in particular, in indignation and reminder of order mode: “The municipal college wishes to emphasize that the refusal of domiciliation and therefore of registration in the voter register is the result of an application of the regulatory procedure. Compliance with administrative and legal procedures in matters of residence control is essential for all citizens. As a reminder, the City of Mons processes 11,000 applications per year for domiciliation requests. The municipal college deplores the questioning of the work of the municipal administration and the Mons-Quévy police, in whom it reiterates and expresses its complete confidence”… Concretely, the blues – who will appeal – are losing a battle, Julie Taton first.

Also read Bouchez persists and signs: Julie Taton will be second on the municipal list in Mons

A battle that continues, however, as we said. The MR lawyers are operating on several fronts, and not just in Mons. The Brussels court of first instance, we are told, was also due to hear the lawyers of the liberal party this Friday, also those representing the City of Mons, still concerning the Taton case, here concerning an appeal lodged against the refusal of domiciliation as such. We also know that the Ministry of the Interior has been notified, and must rule, within a period that could see the decision made… after the municipal elections of 13 October.

Nothing works: the Blues, who speak of “obstruction”, of “injustice”, have no doubt, “Julie will be a candidate”, while the lists in Mons will, in principle, be closed and certified as compliant next Tuesday. They were certainly not heard today by the Mons college, but are moving heaven and earth in order to try to validate, despite everything, in the extremesJulie Taton’s transfer operation in this decidedly abracadabra saga.

– What are the implications of Julie Taton’s domicile ⁣refusal⁢ for the MR party in the local elections?

Title: “Julie Taton’s Uncertain Fate: Liberal Candidate’s Domicile Refusal Sparks Controversy⁤ Ahead of Local⁣ Elections”

Meta Description: ⁢With the local elections around the corner, Julie Taton, second on the liberal list “Mons⁤ en mieux”, faces uncertainty‍ after her domicile in ⁤the Doudou estate ​was refused. ⁢Despite the setback,⁣ her party, MR, ⁤remains committed to her candidacy. Will she overcome the legal hurdles and make it to ‍the ballot?

Header Tags:

H1: Julie ‌Taton’s ⁢Uncertain‌ Fate: Liberal Candidate’s Domicile Refusal Sparks Controversy Ahead of Local Elections

H2: MR ⁢Party Remains Unwavering in Support ​of Julie⁢ Taton’s Candidacy

H2: ‍Legal Battle​ Rages On: ‌Julie Taton’s Team Files ⁤Appeal ​Against Domicile ​Refusal

H2: Municipal College Rejects Appeal, MR Party Vows to⁢ Continue‌ Fight

With the local elections in Mons just around the corner, scheduled for October 13th, the liberal ​party⁤ MR is‌ facing a crucial⁤ setback. Julie Taton, second on the liberal list “Mons⁣ en⁢ mieux”, has had her domicile in​ the Doudou estate refused, casting uncertainty over her fate in the upcoming ​elections.

Despite the refusal, the MR party remains committed to Taton’s candidacy, with party leader Georges-Louis Bouchez reaffirming her place‍ on⁢ the list. According to a⁣ party insider, “Julie is always on the ground and ⁣the longer ‌the saga ‌goes on, the ⁤more popular‍ she​ becomes; we talk about her all the time, it’s just good…”

However, the party’s lawyers are working tirelessly to overcome the legal hurdles standing in ⁤Taton’s way. This Friday, they appeared before the municipal college to defend the appeal filed against the decision to refuse her domicile. The college rejected the ‌appeal, citing‍ the application of the regulatory procedure and‍ emphasizing the ⁤need for compliance with administrative and legal procedures in matters of residence​ control.

The MR party has vowed ‌to continue the fight, with plans ⁢to appeal the decision further. Meanwhile, the Brussels court of first instance is also set to hear the lawyers of the liberal party, as well as those representing the City of ​Mons, regarding the Taton case.

The controversy surrounding Julie Taton’s candidacy has sparked heated debate, with some questioning the‍ merits ​of the‌ domicile refusal. The MR party⁢ has accused the municipal administration ‌and the Mons-Quévy ⁢police of unfairly targeting Taton, while the City⁢ of Mons has defended its decision, stating that it⁤ is essential to comply with administrative and legal procedures in matters of residence control.

As the clock ticks down to the local elections, the fate of Julie Taton remains ‌uncertain. Will she overcome the legal hurdles and make it to the⁤ ballot, or​ will ⁢her⁤ candidacy be derailed by the domicile refusal? One thing is certain, the MR party remains committed to⁤ her cause, and the ⁤people‍ of Mons ‍will ⁢be watching with bated breath to see ​how this saga unfolds.

Related Articles:

* “Bouchez persists and ‍signs: Julie⁤ Taton⁤ will be second on the municipal list in Mons”

Keywords: Julie Taton, MR party, local elections, Mons,⁣ domicile refusal, Georges-Louis Bouchez, liberal list “Mons en mieux”, municipal college, Brussels court‌ of first instance.

– What challenges is Julie Taton facing in her candidacy for the Mons elections?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

The Uncertainty Surrounding Julie Taton’s Candidacy in the Upcoming Mons Elections

As the municipal elections approach on October 13th, Julie Taton, the second on the liberal list “Mons en mieux”, is still uncertain about her fate. This uncertainty stems from the refusal of her domicile in the Doudou estate a few weeks ago. Despite this setback, the MR party, led by Georges-Louis Bouchez, is determined to move forward with Taton’s candidacy.

A Political Gamble

Politically, the MR party is not backing down, and Bouchez is not envisioning a reversal of fortunes. The party has fully invested in the Hainaut campaign, without waiting for the outcome of the legal battle. A party insider assured that “Julie is always on the ground and the longer the saga goes on, the more popular she becomes; we talk about her all the time, it’s just good…” This suggests that the party is banking on Taton’s popularity to carry her through the election, regardless of the legal outcome.

The Legal Battle Rages On

However, the legal battle is far from over. The MR party’s lawyers are active on all fronts, and this Friday, they appeared before the municipal college to defend the appeal filed against the decision of the voters’ register of the City of Mons. The college rejected the claim, emphasizing that the refusal of domiciliation and therefore of registration in the voter register is the result of an application of the regulatory procedure.

A War of Words

The municipal college also took the opportunity to respond to the MR party’s allegations, stating that “compliance with administrative and legal procedures in matters of residence control is essential for all citizens. As a reminder, the City of Mons processes 11,000 applications per year for domiciliation requests. The municipal college deplores the questioning of the work of the municipal administration and the Mons-Quévy police, in whom it reiterates and expresses its complete confidence.” This war of words suggests that the stakes are high, and both parties are digging in their heels.

The Battle Continues

Despite losing this battle, the MR party is not giving up. The lawyers are operating on several fronts, including the Brussels court of first instance, where they are appealing the refusal of domiciliation as such. Additionally, the Ministry of the Interior has been notified and must rule on the matter, although the decision may not come until after the municipal elections.

The Uncertainty Remains

As the election approaches, the uncertainty surrounding Taton’s candidacy remains. Will she be able to overcome the legal hurdles and take her place on the ballot? Only time will tell. One thing is certain, however – this saga has captivated the attention of the public, and the outcome will be closely watched.

Keywords: Julie Taton, Mons en mieux, MR party, Georges-Louis Bouchez, municipal elections, domicile, voter register, legal battle, Ministry of the Interior.

Note: The article is optimized for SEO with relevant keywords and phrases, and is structured to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the topic.



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