Julie de Bona: facing cancer!

We saw it at the cinema in Native et Camping 2, on TV in many series. Currently, it makes the beautiful days of fighters, on TF1, and The house opposite, on M6. The beautiful Julie de Bona is undoubtedly the rising TV actress. In the race of this shooting star towards the heights suddenly appeared a disease whose name we would prefer not to pronounce as it makes us fear the worst: cancer. Today, at 41, Julie has admitted it: she is facing this scourge. The symptoms are terrible: weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, loss of appetite, pain, nausea… In TV 7 days, she evokes the disease with gravity.

>> To read also: Julie de Bona, the 10 secrets of a discreet

“A treatment followed to the letter”

Of course, there is physical suffering, but that’s not all. Julie emphasizes the importance of psychological damage. The body suffers, but so does the mind. The feeling is divided between the sensation of suffering an injustice, depression, depression, hopes, ups and downs… Tossed regarding by the emotions by the evil, we can only undergo and hope for the success of these heavy treatments. and often difficult to bear. Julie de Bona seriously evokes all these aspects of cancer of which we are not necessarily aware.

With chosen words, she tells this story: that of the Dragon Ladies, a group of women who suffered from breast cancer and who came together in a canoeing activity to rebuild themselves. Because if you succeed in overcoming cancer, you still have to manage to live once more. This is what joining the Dragon Ladies allows. It may only be a role, we feel in his words that the subject has deeply touched the actress. In this TV movie, titled Dragon’s Breath, she takes the place of a central character named Sandrine, a mother of whom she speaks with passion: “She is a discreet, ordinary woman. Hit hard by cancer, she suffered her illness, followed her treatment to the letter and came out of it with great hope. Sandrine joins a group of women who, like her, have come close to death and who find themselves aboard a strange boat with the head of a dragon to paddle together, once a week. An essential exercise for their physical and psychological reconstruction.

Julie chose to tell everything

Obviously, to prepare this character, Julie de Bona had to dive into the horrors of cancer, understand the ins and outs, feel the reactions of these women facing the drama.

On the set, the director, Stéphanie Pillonca, brought in the real Dragon Ladies. An unforgettable experience for Julie: “These women shared with us and passed on their joy of living and the importance of savoring every moment”. A shocking encounter.

In the production team, it is rumored that this would have deeply marked the actress. Julie has indeed invested a lot in the preparation of her character.

A constant in her who describes her roles as “very important human adventures in my eyes which help me to move forward in life (…) but also to understand people and the human soul”. Is it true that we would have seen her cry between takes? That’s what some say, but she doesn’t say anything regarding it. Fortunately, following this battle once morest cancer, the future of Julie de Bona will lead her to less traumatic experiences. Starting in January, she will appear in royal suite, with Elie Semoun, at Madeleine Theater. The laughter of the spectators will undoubtedly make her forget the dramas she has just faced…

Jean Marc



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