Julia Henriksson missed the semi-final in the 100 meters despite a strong race

Julia Henriksson ran one of the best races of her life in the 100 meters, but unfortunately it was not enough to advance from the trials: “Just thought about going out and doing my best,” she says.

On the starting line in the fourth test heat of 100 meters we had Julia Henriksson. This summer she was only three hundredths off the Swedish record with 11.19 and it would take a lot from Julia for her to progress to a semi-final. The top three in each heat and a further total of three times advanced to the semi-finals.

Julia got an okay start and stayed in the middle of the field and kept good speed throughout the race. She finished fifth in 11.26, 31 hundredths behind winner Audrey Leduc of Canada. To get there on time, 11.12 was required.

– I didn’t think about it being my Olympic debut, but like any other championship, says Julia after the race.

11.26 is one of the best races Julia Henriksson has run in the 100 meters and she was satisfied with her performance.

– I felt that I was with a bit and thought I could take Kone (from Ivory Coast, ed. note) who was on the track next to me, but I probably lost a little at the end, but she ran in 11.17 and I was a little bit behind so I have such times in me.

Julia Henriksson also competes in the 200 meters in Paris and she and Nora Lindahl run trials on Sunday morning.


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