Julia Faustyna Wendell’s family refuses to take a DNA test

The family of the young Polish girl Julia Faustyna Wendell, who claims to be Madeleine McCann, who disappeared in Portugal in 2007, has refused to undergo a DNA test, which might solve the mystery of whether she is really the missing girl in the country. luso.

For her part, the mother of Julia Faustyna, 21, does not want to provide a genetic sample, but insists that he has documents proving that Faustyna is his biological daughteras declared by a private detective to the newspaper UK Sun.

I have spoken personally with Julia’s mother and I have told her that we will keep her safe in everything she needs, but she still refuses to undergo the test”, Fia Johansson, who represents Faustyna, told the outlet.

Now, in McCann’s case, if any of Faustyna Wendell’s immediate family members agree to undergo DNA testing, it might immediately shed light on whether her speculations and claims are true, Johansson said.

“We might work this out. But they refuse to do it.” He told the outlet that he did not provide the names of Julia’s relatives.

Julia Faustyna, also known as Julia Wendell or Julia Wandelt, documented on the internet apparent physical similarities between her and Madeleine, such as moles on their faces and a brown spot on their right iris.

Who is the seer who helps the young woman who claims to be the missing child?

Fia Johansson introduces herself as a medium who works with “Police officers and private investigators” to find missing persons. Johansson is the one who has supported the young Polish Julia Faustyna, who became known around the world when she claimed that she might be the British girl Madeleine McCann, kidnapped from her hotel bed while on vacation in Portugal in May 2007 with her parents, when I was three years old.

What investigators have long assumed is that Madeleine, who would now be 19 instead of 21, like Julia, would be dead.

Fia Johansson and her work as a seer

Fia Johansson has made multiple appearances in media such as Forbes, Fox, CBS o The Wall Street Journal, He is an Iranian national and affirms that he has been practicing his trade as a medium for more than 25 years. Johansson defines herself more broadly as a “practicing medium, clinical hypnotherapist, and holistic healer.”

Johansson has more than 9.3 million followers on Instagram, where she features various media images such as Forbes in which he has even appeared on the cover of the magazine.

Although he has implied that in Julia’s case his help is for altruistic reasons, Johansson charges regarding $35 per minute for all his consultations, regarding 170,000 Colombian pesos, according to the Avid Advice platform specialized in people who are dedicated to “psychic” consultations. There, the Iranian one occupies a prominent place among the different offers that are presented, being the first to be recommended.

Comparative photos, debate center

Instagram has become the social network in which Julia Wandelt tries to demonstrate, through various photographs, that, according to her, there are similarities with the missing minor and her parents. The images and even a video are part of what is evidence for the Pole.

“Why don’t the police listen to me yet? Why don’t they want to talk? I really have to talk to Kate and Gerry McCann! Please… You can be my parents, I want to know the truth, please help me”, were the words of Wandelt.

A video with transition shows what specialists call coloboma, which, according to the Medline Plus health portal, consists of a defect in the iris that is characterized by a “fissure or crack” and that is present in a person from the moment they were born. .

In other photographs, a division is observed between what she affirms might be her biological parents and her. Among the features; she mainly emphasizes the ears, nose and smile. In more images, he highlights a dimple in one of Madeleine’s cheeks.

In recent days, the results of biometric tests that might put an end to this new chapter have come to light. These were carried out by Francisco Marco, a detective from the Method 3 agency (who knew the case closely) and who found no relationship between one minor and the other.

The detective passed some photographs to a system with which he anticipated that there was no initial evidence between the Pole and Madeleine (who would be 19 years old if she were alive). These results make it increasingly unlikely that this new teenager is the little stray.

“It doesn’t look like anything at all (…). This girl tried to be a teen model. She was with a foster family and knows her birth family. She keeps in touch with them.”assured Marco, as reported by The world.

“Why don’t you ask them for the DNA test? In addition, she is 21 years old, Madeleine would be 19 ″, she added and recommended to the English family not to undergo any examination. British police, meanwhile, also remain skeptical.



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