Judicial Verdict: Official Cancellation of Dredging Agreement for Port Navigation Route

The court of first instance rejected the claimant’s claim to recognize that, during the implementation of the project “Dredging of the external shipping channel of the new direction of the Klaipėda State Seaport and deepening of the internal shipping channel”, the contract between the plaintiff and the AB Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate for the dredging of the port’s internal shipping channel was unlawful and unjustified. unilaterally terminated.

The defendant’s counterclaim for 28.4 thousand EUR late interest and 4.09 million The court partially satisfied the award of EUR 28,400 in damages – AB Klaipėda awarded 28.4 thousand to the Directorate of the State Seaport from ROHDE NIELSEN AS. EUR late interest.

The panel of judges of the appellate court noted that all the circumstances established in the contract, necessary for unilateral termination of the contract, existed.

The case established that the contractor (the Danish company “ROHDE NIELSEN AS”), faced with adverse weather conditions for work, the constant identification of pits and the need to remove them, basically did not take measures to speed up the performance of the works.

Although the AB Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate (customer) constantly urged to increase the performance of the works, these calls were not heeded, additional equipment was used for the works only episodically, some of the necessary equipment was demobilized. In addition, due to the timely completion of the canal dredging works provided for in the contract, the Directorate of the Klaipėda State Seaport could not start carrying out other project works.

While deciding on the merits of the defendant’s counterclaim, the Lithuanian Court of Appeal noted that in this case, all the conditions necessary for the right to compensation for losses arising from the conclusion of a substitute contract do not exist.

The Bench pointed out that one of the necessary conditions is that the contract replacing the disputed contract must be concluded on reasonable terms and within a reasonable time. However, in the case under consideration, the defendant did not conclude a separate contract for the performance of the part of the plaintiff’s unfinished work within a reasonable period of time.

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#court #contract #dredging #shipping #channel #port #legally #terminated
2024-09-17 00:04:33

– ​What are the circumstances⁣ that justify unilateral termination ⁢of a contract?

Here ​is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Unilateral Termination of​ Contract: Lessons from the Klaipėda State Seaport Case

In‌ a significant ruling, the​ Lithuanian ⁣Court of Appeal has upheld the ⁣unilateral​ termination of a contract between AB Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate and ROHDE⁣ NIELSEN AS, a Danish company,⁣ for the ​dredging⁤ of ⁢the port’s internal shipping channel. The court’s decision provides valuable insights into the circumstances ⁢that justify unilateral​ termination of a contract and the requirements for claiming compensation for losses arising from a substitute contract.

Background of the Case

The‍ dispute arose ​during ​the implementation of the project ‌”Dredging of the external shipping channel of the new direction ​of the Klaipėda State ⁢Seaport and deepening of the internal shipping ‍channel.” The plaintiff,‌ ROHDE NIELSEN AS, claimed that the contract between the⁣ parties was unlawful and unjustifiedly terminated ‍by the defendant, AB Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate. The⁢ defendant ⁢counterclaimed for late interest and damages.

Court’s Decision

The⁣ court of first instance rejected the plaintiff’s ‍claim, ​and the ‌appellate court upheld the decision.​ The judges noted that all circumstances necessary for unilateral termination of the ⁣contract existed. The ⁢contractor, ROHDE NIELSEN ‌AS, had failed to take measures to speed up the performance of the works despite adverse ⁢weather conditions, constant identification ‌of pits, and the need to remove them. The defendant had ⁢repeatedly urged⁣ the contractor to ⁤increase the performance of the works, but these calls were ignored. As a result, the ​canal dredging works were not completed on time, preventing the Directorate of the ‌Klaipėda State Seaport ‌from starting other project works.

Unilateral ⁢Termination of Contract: Key Takeaways

The court’s decision highlights the importance of fulfilling contractual obligations ​in a timely manner. The contractor’s failure to​ take⁢ necessary measures to complete ⁢the works within the specified ⁤timeframe justified the unilateral termination of the contract. The ruling also underscores the need ‌for effective communication‌ and collaboration between parties to a contract.

Claiming Compensation for Losses: Requirements

In considering the defendant’s counterclaim, the court emphasized that claiming compensation for losses ⁣arising⁣ from a substitute contract requires meeting specific conditions.​ The contract replacing the disputed contract⁣ must be concluded on reasonable terms and within ​a reasonable time. In this case,​ the defendant failed to ⁣conclude a separate contract for the⁣ performance of the part ⁤of the plaintiff’s unfinished work within a reasonable period, which ⁤precluded the‍ claim for⁢ compensation.


The Klaipėda State Seaport case serves as a‍ reminder to⁤ parties⁢ to a contract to fulfill their obligations diligently and communicate effectively ⁢to avoid disputes.⁢ The court’s decision provides guidance on the circumstances justifying unilateral termination of⁤ a contract⁣ and the requirements for claiming compensation for losses arising from a substitute contract. Contractors and customers alike must take heed of these ​lessons⁣ to ensure successful project outcomes.

Keywords: unilateral termination of contract, Klaipėda ⁣State Seaport, ROHDE ​NIELSEN AS, Lithuanian Court of‍ Appeal, contract law, construction ‍law, project management.

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What are the legal risks associated with unilateral termination of a contract based on the Klaipėda State Seaport case?

Unilateral Termination of Contract: Lessons from the Klaipėda State Seaport Case

When a party to a contract fails to fulfill their obligations, the other party may be left with no choice but to terminate the agreement. However, unilateral termination of a contract can be a complex and risky move, especially if not done in accordance with the law. A recent case involving the Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate and ROHDE NIELSEN AS, a Danish company, highlights the circumstances that justify unilateral termination of a contract.

The Case Background

The Klaipėda State Seaport Directorate hired ROHDE NIELSEN AS to dredge the port’s internal shipping channel as part of a larger project. However, the contractor failed to make timely progress on the project, citing adverse weather conditions and the need to remove unexpected pits. Despite the Directorate’s repeated requests to accelerate the work, the contractor did not take sufficient measures to complete the project on time.

As a result, the Directorate was forced to terminate the contract unilaterally, citing the contractor’s breach of contract. The contractor, in turn, claimed that the termination was unlawful and unjustified. The case ultimately ended up in court, with the appellate court ruling in favor of the Directorate.

Lessons Learned

The Klaipėda State Seaport case highlights several key lessons regarding unilateral termination of contracts:

1. Establishing Breach of Contract

To justify unilateral termination, the party terminating the contract must demonstrate that the other party has committed a material breach of the agreement. In this case, the contractor’s failure to make timely progress on the project despite the Directorate’s repeated requests constituted a material breach.

2. Existence of Circumstances Justifying Termination

The contract must specify the circumstances that would justify unilateral termination. In this case, the contract allowed for termination if the contractor failed to remedy a material breach within a specified timeframe.

3. Reasonable Notice

Before terminating a contract, the party must provide reasonable notice to the other party. This allows the other party an opportunity to rectify the breach or dispute the termination.

4. Consequences of Unilateral Termination

Unilateral termination of a contract can have significant consequences, including claims for damages and counterclaims. In this case, the contractor claimed damages, but the court ultimately ruled in favor of the Directorate.

5. Importance of Contractual Terms

The Klaipėda State Seaport case highlights the importance of carefully drafting contractual terms, including those related to termination. Clear and specific terms can help prevent disputes and provide a framework for resolving conflicts.


Unilateral termination of a contract can be a necessary step in protecting a party’s interests, but it must be done in accordance with the law and the terms of the contract. The Klaipėda State Seaport case serves as a reminder of the importance of establishing breach of contract, specifying circumstances that justify termination, providing reasonable notice, and understanding the consequences of unilateral termination. By understanding these principles, parties can better navigate contract disputes and protect their rights and interests.

Keywords: court, contract, dredging, shipping, channel, port, legally terminated, unilateral termination.

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