Judicial reform advances in Congress, with the official vote

MEXICO CITY.- Today, in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber of DeputiesMorena and its allies PT and PVEM achieved their goal of approve in general the controversial judicial reform promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

After several hours of debate, the reform, which establishes that ministers, judges and magistrates be elected by popular vote starting in June 2025, advanced with 22 votes in favor and 17 against.

When will the judicial reform be approved?

The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies is expected to analyze the proposal in the ordinary session period that begins on September 1, 2024, cWhen the ruling party will have two thirds of Congress necessary to amend the Constitution.

Among other things, the opinion, which includes 100 modifications proposed by Morenaproposes two elections to renew the positions of the Judicial Branch, the first of which will be extraordinary, in June 2025.

The initiative, proposed in a package of reforms last February by López Obrador, seeks reduce the number of ministers of the SCJN from 11 to 9 and that their term of office goes from 15 to 12 years.

Also look for the elimination of the life pension for current and future ministers of the Court, and an adjustment to their remuneration to the maximum limit established for the President of Mexico.

In addition to replace the Federal Judicial Council by two institutions, including a Judicial Disciplinary Court, and the elimination of the two chambers that the Supreme Court has.

AMLO’s judicial reform warns of risks

Despite the imminent approval of the reform, representatives of the opposition, made up of PAN, PRI, PRD and MC spoke out against it due to the risks to judicial independence.

Hector Tellez, deputy of the PANsaid that the controversial reform is a violation of judicial independencea violation of the principle of separation of powers and a co-optation of the Judiciary.

“For all the above, we in National Action will vote against this ruling and We urge you to reformulate it so that we evaluate and consider the existing flaws in the entire justice system,” he emphasized.

He pointed out that the PAN presented a dissenting vote on the ruling to reconsider judicial reform and to ensure that corruption in this branch ends and that there are better profiles of judges.

Reasons for the PRI not to vote in favor

Rubén Moreira, coordinator of the PRI benchnoted that the opposition has strong reasons to vote against judicial reform.

Among them, he mentioned that the narrative of the reform does not match the result of its application, in addition to what is proposed It is “neither democratic, nor fair, nor prudent”is a risk for the Mexican State and is ineffective.”

It harms the federal pactdoes not represent an improvement in the quality of resolutions, it is a danger to the human rights protection regime, and allows the interference of de facto powers,” he emphasized.

Voices rise against judicial reform

The controversial reform of the Judiciary led to concerns of organizations and institutions due to the effects it will have on political, economic and social aspects of the country.

This Monday, the UN special rapporteur for the independence of judges and lawyers, Margaret Satterthwaite, insisted on the concern for the Broad implications for judicial independence throughout Mexico.

In addition, The United States and Canada have warned of concerns of investors due to this and other reforms of the AMLO government, such as the elimination of autonomous regulatory bodies.

Besides, rating agencies such as Fitch and entities such as CitiBanamex or Morgan Stanley They also warned about the risk of approving the reforms proposed by the president, particularly those of the Judiciary.

#Judicial #reform #advances #Congress #official #vote
2024-09-01 06:55:22



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