Judges and magistrates will join the national strike in the Judiciary. What did AMLO say?

MEXICO CITY.— The National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (Jufed) decided to go to the strike In a vote held on Monday in which 1,202 of the 1,403 judges who participated voted in favor and 201 against.

According to the approved proposal, only urgent cases will be dealt with during the strike.

In this way, Mexican judges and magistrates will begin an indefinite work stoppage tomorrow, Wednesday. defense of autonomy of the judiciary y against of the judicial reform promoted by the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorwhich, among other things, proposes that they be elected by popular voteand two new administrative bodies.

Defense of the autonomy of the PJF

“This decision is of vital importance in the defense of the autonomy of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, a pillar of our democratic system, and for this reason today, workers and judges have decided to defend in unity: the Republic, judicial independence and the separation of powers to guarantee the future of future generations,” added the approved proposal.

Based on the above, “at the first minute of August 21 of this year, the suspension of jurisdictional activities in all Federal Courts and Tribunals of the country will begin, with the exceptions that will be specified in the corresponding declaration.”

In addition, in a statement it announced that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) will suspend its public plenary session on Tuesday, although the 11 ministers will meet in private to analyze the draft opinion of the reform to the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF), presented last Friday in the Chamber of Deputies.

National strike in the PJF

The judges’ strike joins the one started this Monday by some 55,000 workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (PJF) throughout Mexico against the reform, which they said will last until their requests are “heard, taken into account and reflected in our Constitution.”

The workers warned that the reform, which is intended to be discussed in Congress on August 26 and approved by the vast majority of the ruling party National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allies in the following period of September, promotes eliminate the judicial career as a merit system for accessing the judiciary.

The strikers complained that their arguments against the reform have not been considered because they were excluded from discussion forums and stressed that this judicial reform “is harmful and does not solve the problems of justice in Mexico.”

He PJF Workers Union He asked his members not participate in work stoppages that have not been officially declared in order not to hinder any possible defense against the employer.

Amendments to the reform of the Judiciary

Recently, the ruling party announced that it will send 100 modifications to the initial reform of López Obrador, after a series of forums throughout the country, among which the total renewal of the ministers of the SCJN and half of the judges throughout the country by popular vote is expected.

What does AMLO say about the strike of judges and magistrates?

On Monday, President López Obrador stated that the workers of the Judicial Branch who join a strike have the right to demonstrate, but he accused them of serving as “paleros” to those who are part of corruption and are against his judicial reform.

This Tuesday, President López Obrador, called the “illegal” Strike called by judges and judicial workers against the Government’s reform so that there is elections in the judiciarybut he downplayed its consequences by stating that “nothing is happening.”

“Nothing is going to happen, nothing is happening, and as far as we are concerned: absolute respect for their strike, freedom. The law establishes, they know it, that what they are doing or what they are going to do is illegal, but it is not up to us to sanction them,” declared the president in his morning press conference.

López Obrador downplayed the strike called on Monday by the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Federal Judicial Branch (Jufed), which will begin a national strike on Wednesday against the judicial reform that the ruling party intends to vote on in September.

President López Obrador argued that “what is behind” the opposition to the reform, “is to maintain privileges and continue to push the people aside, a Judiciary at the service of a minority.”

“We have no problem with the strike, we just want to make it clear that it is completely unfair to want to maintain it, because that goes against the interests of our country and our people, a judicial system completely handed over to a rapacious minority,” he said.

López Obrador said that “the majority of Mexicans will not care” about the strike by the judiciary and that “it will even help.”

“If there are no judges, if there are no magistrates, if there are no ministers in office, we have at least the guarantee that they will not let organized crime offenders go free. And, since the courts will not work, there will not be freedom for white-collar criminals either,” he said.

The ruling party plans to vote on the constitutional reform of the Judiciary in September, when it has a qualified majority of two-thirds of Congress to modify the Constitution without obstacles.

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#Judges #magistrates #join #national #strike #Judiciary #AMLO
2024-08-29 00:00:07



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