Judge sentences Christopher Acosta to 2 years in prison suspended for complaint by César Acuña

Judge Raul Jesus Vega, of the 30 Criminal Liquidation Court of Lima, decided to sentence Christopher Acosta to two years of privative sentence suspended as a result of complaint filed by César Acuña for the publication of the book Plata como cancha. The conviction also includes the publisher Jerónimo Pimentel and the publisher Penguin Random House.

After the rapporteur of the Judicial Power read the arguments of both the former presidential candidate and the journalist, the magistrate imposed two years of imprisonment against the journalist Christopher Acosta Y Jerónimo Pimentel, CEO of the publishing house that published the book.

YOU CAN SEE RMP on César Acuña: “A politician who aspires to be president does not persecute journalists”

In that sense, he pointed out that the execution is suspended at the end of one year, but being subject to the rules of conduct. Likewise, it set at S / 400,000 soles the civil compensation to be paid by the writer and the publisher Penguim Random House in favor of César Acuña Peralta.

At the hearing, Judge Vega’s arguments pointed out that the book crossed the limits of freedom of expression and had offended Acuña Peralta. The magistrate considered sentences 37, 38, 39 and 40 on the relationship between the businessman and the National Intelligence Service during the dictatorship of Alberto Fujimori as a defamatory act.

Roberto Pereira, lawyer for the journalist, He had announced that if the sentence against his client was conviction, he would proceed to appeal it. “This is a first instance, this process can still go to a second and eventually to the Supreme Court. That is what we would do in the event of having an unfavorable result, “he said.

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Judge Raúl Jesús Vega was in charge of reading Christopher Acosta's sentence for the lawsuit followed by César Acuña.  Photo: Justicia TV

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Judge Raúl Jesús Vega was in charge of reading Christopher Acosta’s sentence for the lawsuit followed by César Acuña. Photo: Justicia TV

Judge Raúl Jesús Vega was in charge of reading Christopher Acosta’s sentence for the lawsuit followed by César Acuña. Photo: Justicia TV

Before this ruling was known, the Press and Society Institute (IPYS) and the Peruvian Press Council (CPP) had expressed their support for Acosta. Likewise, the Ombudsman’s Office recalled that in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. H H. Special protection is highlighted for information on officials and public figures.

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