Judge Richard Concepcion Carhuancho Denies Medical Travel Request and Warns Nadine Heredia

2023-06-29 04:15:06

Judge Richard Concepcion Carhuancho pointed out that the health reasons that invoked the former first lady to leave the country are not duly justified in the submitted medical report. In addition, he declared the prosecutor’s request for a warning to be unfounded. Nadine Heredia for non-compliance with the biometric control record.

The judge of the First Preparatory Investigation Court, Richard Concepcion Carhuancho, declared the request to prevent the former first lady from leaving the country for 18 months to be founded Nadine Heredia. This despite the fact that the prosecutor Germán Juárez asked for 36 months under the arguments of reasonable suspicion against the wife of ollanta humala for the sentence of 26 years and six months in prison requested against him and for the danger of flight.

“Consequently, the mandate to prevent the exit of the country from being investigated, Nadine Heredia, is imposed for a period of 18 months with respect to the crime of aggravated money laundering attributed to her,” said Judge Concepción Carhuancho. The legal defense of Nadine Heredia appealed the judicial decision that will be supported in writing within the legal term.

Let’s remember that Heredia maintains an investigation into the South Peruvian Gas Pipeline case, linked to the corruption plot of the Brazilian company Odebrecht. He is also facing an oral trial for the alleged money laundering in which he was prohibited from leaving the place where he resides without prior notice to the judicial and fiscal authorities.

Rejected travel request to Colombia

Prior to it, carhuancho no accepted the communication Nadine Heredia to travel to Colombia from June 29 to July 2 for medical reasons. The judicial decision occurs one day after the judge Leodan Cristóbal Ayala, of the Seventh National Preparatory Investigation Court, had exceptionally authorized the request to go to the clinic The Americas of Medellin.

“The first Preparatory Investigation Court resolves not to accept the communication made by the investigated Nadine Heredia Alarcón about the notice that she is going to leave the country from June 29 to July 1 to attend a medical appointment at the Las Américas clinic, located in the city of Medellín, in Colombia for June 30, 2023 for not having been duly justified,” said Judge Concepción Carhuancho.

In this sense, “the opposition of the Public Ministry is accepted” to the trip, remarked the judge of the First National Preparatory Investigation Court.

Consequently, the Judiciary accepted the opposition of the Public ministry. Subsequently, he declared the prosecutor’s request to warn Nadine Heredia unfounded.

“The requirement to warn the investigated Nadine Heredia Alarcón is declared unfounded for having committed an alleged breach of the monthly biometric registration from September 21, 2020 to March 21, 2023,” reads the publication of the Judiciary.

Remember that both Heredia and Humala served 9 months in preventive detention between 2017 and 2018 for the investigations against them in the Odebrecht case. However, the Constitutional Court revoked that measure, considering it excessive while the complaint was being investigated by the Public Ministry.

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