Retirees: Delays in specialist care also worrying

2024-08-31 23:12:17

Last week there were major changes to Pami (National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners) 100% subsidized drug coverage for retirees. The requirements for receiving “social subsidies” have also been revised. According to representatives of different retirement centers, these financial problems are compounded by the fact that appointments with specialists are arriving later and later, a situation that can last a month or more and disproportionately affect seniors.

Given that these issues are compounding over time and complicating matters for all retirees and pensioners, sound A survey was conducted in different retirement centers in the city of Córdoba to assess their situation regarding Pami benefits.


Retirees. Pami: List of 44 drugs losing 100% coverage

“Something has to be separated,” they point out at the retirement center near Las Flores. “Pami’s benefits in the capital of Córdoba are very good. The bad thing is that there are no shifts because they have been folded. The activation of new doctors It’s bureaucratic and takes years. I’m not just talking about doctors, I’m talking about physical therapy, dentistry, etc.

They said these delays were severely impacting members who needed prompt medical attention within a reasonable amount of time because, as they explained, some shifts took more than a month.

“There are a lot of complaints about the shift system because there are fewer and fewer remedies that cover 100%,” said María Teresa Romero, president of the Center for Retirees of the National Association of Workers (ATE).

What are the free benefits of being a PAMI member?

healthy. Drugs: Pami requirements increase, retiree coverage reduced

Romero also explained that “pharmacies only offer discounts on prescriptions and, in some cases, stop delivery due to non-payment.” This is not a new situation, but it persists and deeply affects reliance on these medications. of retirees.

Teen Neighborhood Retiree Center representative Alicia emphasized, “As far as overall benefits are concerned, nothing has changed this year. We are now nine months into a management change. I have been in several meetings and the intent of the administration is that Pammy Executive Director Dramatically improve all benefits and shorten the time, such as health care, family doctors and medical benefits, these studies have also been carried out to expand the time.

In addition, he also emphasized the financial burden that the elimination of 100% subsidies on 44 drugs will bring to retirees, and mentioned that “the elimination of 100% subsidies is a heavy blow to retirees’ pockets.”

Pami's drug coverage has recently changed.

drug. Another adjustment for retirees

The benefit was not renewed and terminated during the new administration, another loss highlighted by different retirement centers in the city, raising concerns among retirees who must pay these additional costs on limited income.

The situation is exacerbated by delays in the supply of basic supplies that retirees need for their daily lives. Alicia noted: “For requests for items such as wheelchairs or hearing aids, firstly, the process can only be done online, which is already a disruption for retirees, and secondly, the delay in meeting the demand is fundamental .Requirements elements “There are serious and significant delays. “

Voices from retirement centers reflect a complex situation in which the provision of health care, medications and basic services fails to meet the basic needs of retirees. “Pammi has projects that want to provide additional benefits to its beneficiaries, but at the expense of developing other resources,” they added at the retirement center near Las Flores. They noted that while these efforts were recognized, Current demand is not enough.

Changes in Pami coverage. (file)

Changes in Coverage. Pammy: Pharmacists warn the cost of many medicines is increasing

Pammy’s response

Official sources from the institute assure sound They are working to improve these issues and say Pami “is the best social work in the country” in terms of benefits and membership numbers.

Likewise, they recalled that any member who has a question about a shift or a prescription that their GP has to issue can make a claim or even complain to the Institute so that the situation can be understood and intervention can be carried out.

In addition, they revealed that so far this year, new doctors serving Pami have joined, and efforts are being made to further expand registration so that all retirees have more choices and closer locations.

For defenders of the Third Age, we are in a critical situation

Eugenio Semino, defender of the third generation, warned of the seriousness of the situation, saying, “There is a humanitarian crisis in the sector, with 5 million national retirees and pensioners this month The minimum purse is 290,000 pesos, while the basket is three times that amount. Semino insists that the situation is a “deadly cocktail” of very serious problems caused by the collapse of the health system and the loss of welfare.

After 32 years, pockets are over for retirees

This year, under Javier Milei’s administration, state retirees and pensioners lost benefits from the food program known as “bolsón” run by Pami.

Created in 1992, the program has provided benefits to seniors over the years, although its implementation has varied. Over time, the quantity and quality of food provided changes, or is replaced by monthly payments. During the pandemic, under the guidance of portfolio leader Luana Volnovich, payments were made every two months, but there was never a nine-month hiatus.

In its initial form, the bag includes basic and daily food items for a set number of beneficiaries. However, in October, in the middle of the campaign, the payment mechanism was modified and became an economic reinforcement of 15,000 pesos, which was extended until December. During this period, the number of beneficiaries tripled from 1 million to 3 million, with funds allocated by Anses and the Ministry of National Economy.

The benefit was not renewed and terminated during the new administration, another loss highlighted by different retirement centers in the city.

#Retirees #Delays #specialist #care #worrying



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