2023-04-18 01:02:00
Following the proposal of the national deputy of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, de “create a new space” for compete in the elections with Patricia Bullrichthe leader of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), Juan Grabois, left this Monday, April 17, at the intersection of the libertarian. In a message in which he attacked both the PRO candidate and the libertarian candidate, the Kirchnerist referent accused Milei of not following his speech once morest the political caste. “I thought that the caste thing was serious,” Grabois said.
“If there is someone who represents the caste it is Patricia Bullrich: She was a montonera, deputy for Menemism, minister of De la Rúa and Macri (both failed governments),” Grabois, who will also run in the presidential elections, wrote on her Twitter account.
New survey: Larreta surpasses Bullrich and Milei wins in three PASO scenarios
Continuing his message and criticizing the alleged departure of the libertarian from his speech once morest the caste, the MTE leader accused the deputy of favoring “convenience” to the detriment of “convictions.” “I thought the caste thing was serious, Milei, but for some, convenience weighs more than convictions,” Grabois asserted.
Grabois and Milei had already crossed paths in a debate of more than five hours with Jorge Fontevecchia. On that occasion, the social leader and the Liberal deputy discussed inequality and poverty, state violence, “entrepreneurs” and defended their respective proposals.
Milei’s proposal: an intern with Bullrich and include Macri in his management
The message from the Patria Grande referent was given following Milei’s statements in Radio Rivadavia, where the presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza affirmed that he was willing to form a new space in which both Bullrich and he might participate, in order to compete in an internal one for the national Executive. “I have no problem coming together in a new structure outside of Together for Change. Let’s go to an intern, if they win I’ll accompany“, the deputy proposed this Monday.
And I add: “We are in time to create a party and go to an internship with Patricia Bullrich. The one who wins leads and the one who loses accompanies. It would be giving him a purer solution.”
Added to this, he affirmed that, in case that agreement is not reached, might incorporate the former president of the PRO into his government if he wins the election In this sense, she mentioned that she would like to have her as Chief of Staff or Minister of Security, a position that she already held during the administration of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019). “If we had to win, I’m going to summon many people who are on Bullrich’s team, many of them are friends of mine. I would discuss with her (Bullrich) what I consider most pertinent. How can I not summon people that I consider valuable? There are manifest affection,” he said.

He also expressed the same desire with respect to Macri. Along these lines, he clarified that “obviously” he would add it to his management. “Don’t have any doubt. How can I not summon someone who has the experience and the work that she did internationally,” explained Milei. In addition, he highlighted his work as a representative of the country, mentioning that the former president “did fabulously well”, at the same time that he proposed the existence of a position for former presidents who passed through the Casa Rosada “in a dignified manner”: “We would have to find him the figure that does justice to the work that was done internationally (during Macri’s management). There are things that are wrong and you have to break them all, but those that were done well, why am I not going to replicate them?
Shortly following Milei’s statements, Bullrich dismissed the possibility of an alliance with the leader of La Libertad Avanza. “I am from Together for Change, full stop,” said the PRO presidential candidate.
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