JP Planet NFT Series YOBI Ball: Official Trading Launch and Game World Kickoff on JPEX

2023-09-07 09:19:52

The JP Planet NFT series YOBI Ball of the cryptocurrency exchange JPEX will officially start trading at 22:00 on September 8th, Taipei time. (Previous summary: JPEX announced that following the last two rounds of successful NFT airdrops, JP PLANET will launch the first wave of NFT series enhancements, J-Stone) 348%, the purchase is approaching the last day) This article is a widely edited draft, and the full text is provided by JPEX and does not represent the position of the dynamic zone. YOBI BALL will start trading tomorrow, kicking off the JP Planet game world JPEX announced that the JP Planet NFT series YOBI Ball will be officially opened tomorrow, September 8 at 22:00 Taipei time. The launch of the YOBI Ball will bring various fantastic and unique YOBIs to JP Planet for users to collect and trade. Each YOBI not only has unique artistic value, but also can provide participants with different important bonuses in the JP Planet game world in the future, helping users explore JP Planet, a virtual world rich in stories and culture. The potential of Yobi Ball can be expected, and the price once doubled after it was put on the NFT gallery. After the launch of the NFT gallery, the price of YOBI Ball has risen to 4 ETH, which is 75% higher than the subscription price of 2.5 ETH. Compared with the lowest price at that time (2 ETH) more than doubled. Source: JPEX NFT Gallery JP Planet The first stage of NFT series-Yami rose nearly 500% at one time. The first 888 NFT characters of JP Planet, Yami, were released at a price of 10 ETH. In less than 24 hours after its launch, the price of its local version has risen to 30 ETH, an increase of 300%. After the launch of the second phase of JP Planet’s NFT series – YOBI, the price of the Yami land version has risen to 50.5 ETH. The NFT of JP ecology has been performing tenaciously in the cryptocurrency and NFT market, and the market expects that the NFT series will have a chance to usher in an outbreak in the next round of bull market. The scale of JP Planet’s ecological funds Before the launch of the game JP Planet, three levels of NFT subscriptions have been made, namely the game character YAMI, the YOBI BALL used to capture the game spirit YOBI, and the ore J-Stone. All are subscribed through the NFT mystery box. Source: JPEX NFT In the future, there will be more game props and land open for players to subscribe. It is foreseeable that there will be continuous injection of funds in the future. The scale of JP Planet’s ecological funds fully reflects the attractiveness and participation of JP Planet. About JPEX The JPEX digital asset platform holds a Canadian MSB Fintrac license, an MSB financial license issued by FinCEN in the United States, an operating license issued by ASIC in Australia, and a Lithuanian cryptocurrency exchange and wallet operator registration license. At the same time, the encrypted assets of JPEX users will be 100% stored in offline cold wallets. JPEX also provides a financial insurance compensation plan for each user. The maximum protection limit is 75,000 USDT. 90% of the claims protection meets the requirements of international financial regulations, and every platform user with real-name authentication is escorted. Follow JPEX ______ Editorial Disclaimer: The content of this article is a publicity manuscript provided by the contributor. The contributor has no relationship with DongZhou, and this article does not represent DongZu’s position. Any services, solutions or tools mentioned in the promotional manuscript content are for reference only, and the final actual content or rules are subject to the announcement or explanation of the contributor. The dynamic zone is not responsible for any possible risks, and readers are reminded to check carefully before making any decisions or actions. ????Related reports????Exchange|JPEX announced the launch of the NFT platform, users can place orders to buy and sell official NFT NFT’s survival rules in a bear market “Is it time to buy blue-chip NFTs? The trading volume of NFT has hit a two-year low, but is there an opportunity for blue-chip projects to “rise instead of fall”? How to capture the “bullback” signal in the NFT market?
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