Journey to the End of Ennui by Sylvère Lamotte

This new creative project arises from a desire to capture the notion of boredom through the body. Group boredom, boredom as a form of waiting, as a form of stretched time. This notion of long time in dance, Sylvère Lamotte has already approached it in his first piece, Ruines. A very physical piece where the slowness and the poetics of the bodies question the viewer’s gaze. This time, the choreographer extends his reflection and offers a collective Odyssey for boredom.

This reflection around the time of a show, of a movement, has always accompanied Sylvère Lamotte, whether as a dancer or a choreographer.

The notion of boredom will be approached through the physicality and poetics of bodies, with the desire to remind that being bored is a chance. A human time necessary for the imagination, for any artistic production.

“As a child, I was lucky enough to be bored.[…] The boredom of my childhood followingnoons was a journey where time belonged to me, a space where I made huge dreams, a world without beginning or end […] ».
The Boredom of Endless Afternoons by Gaël Faye

Going back to his childhood memories, Sylvère Lamotte connected this question of boredom with that of waiting during those long followingnoons of endless Sundays, pancakes on the Billig, where the excitement gave way to this feeling of discouragement, which stretched the time. In this lapse of time, which seemed endless, it was towards dance that he turned, the body becoming a malleable and inexhaustible tool for poetic diversions.

Voyage au bout de l’Ennui is conceived as an invitation to embark on a land of imagination and reverie, which will not be unrelated to the time of childhood. The choreographer hears regarding boredom with a group of five dancers, even if in our collective unconscious, being bored is rather akin to a solitary state. For dancers, embarking on a journey out of boredom might seem unnatural because dancing is fundamentally performing actions. Then arises a multitude of questions: under the apparent immobility which movements can exist? What real movements produces boredom? What is a body of non-action, of non-willingness? Is it possible to be bored alone in the middle of a crowd? Can boredom be a collective momentum and not an observation? Come on, we’re bored!

Excerpt from Sylvère Lamotte’s note of intent

Journey to the End of Boredom
Choreographer Sylvère Lamotte
Dancers Carla Diego, Gaétan Jamard, Caroline Jaubert, Jean-Charles Jousni, Jérémy Kouyoumdjian
Light and sound design Jean-Philippe Borgogno, Sylvère Lamotte
Outside perspectives and accomplices Brigitte Livenais, Olivier Letellier
Ongoing Costumes

17 et 18.10.22
Premieres / The House, Stage of Nevers

The Interval / Conventional Stage of Sablé sur Sarthe

06 et 07.12.22
L’Étoile du Nord / Conventional Stage Art and creation for dance

04 et 05.01.23
Le Théâtre 145 / In Co-Accueil MC2, National Scene of Grenoble & Municipal Theater of Grenoble

24 au 26.01.23
House of Arts of Créteil / National Stage of Créteil

17 et 18.02.23
Faces of the World, Cultural Center of Cergy

02 au 04.03.23
KIDANSE Festival, L’Echangeur CDCN Hauts de France / Beauvaisis Theater, National Stage-Beauvais

Essonne Dance Festival / Marcel Carné Space

14 et 15.03.23
Essonne Dance Festival / Boris Vian Space

Robert Doisneau Cultural Space

21 et 22.03.23
KIDANSE Festival, L’Echangeur, CDCN Hauts de France / Maison de la Culture d’Amiens European center of creation and production / National Stage

24 et 25.03.23
Claude Debussy Theater

02 et 03.04.23
Festival Essonne Dance / Theater Edges of Stages

Essonne Dance Festival / Municipal Theater of Envol

07 et 08.04.23
Essonne Dance / Theater Festival of Corbeil-Essonnes

01 au 03.06.23
Municipal Theater Jacques Prévert

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