journalist Pape Alé Niang arrested and returned to prison

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Journalist Pape Alé Niang returns to detention. The boss of the private media Dakar Matin, known for his criticism of power, was arrested Monday evening, a week after being granted provisional release.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

After a short hearing in the morning, Pape Alé Niang was once again placed under a warrant of committal. He is accused of not having respected the terms of his judicial review. For an official of the CAP, the Coordination of Press Associations, his new arrest would be linked “ to videos of Pape Alé Niang last weekend, including statements targeting the director general of the national police and his family ».

His provisional release last week went hand in hand with the ban on leaving Senegalese territory and communicating on the case. But according to one of his lawyers, Maître Moussa Sarr, ” he did not mention the instruction », « his outings had nothing to do with the current case”.

Pope Alé Niang had been stopped for the first time on November 6, then imprisoned. He had denounced an “arbitrary” detention and started a hunger strike. The journalist is accused of dissemination of military documents likely to harm national defense “, documents in particular related to the summons of the opponent Ousmane Sonko to justice in early November. He is also being prosecuted for spreading fake news ».

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