Journalist from “Aquí Somos Todos” suffers violent shock in Vitacura: driver fled | TV and Show

The journalist Matías Vera, suffered the accident when he was traveling in Uber with two friends. According to the communicator, they were stopped at a traffic light when they suffered the accident.

The journalist of the program Here we are allMatías Vera, told through social networks that had an accident on Wednesday night in the commune of Vitacura.

The communicator told in his stories that Instagram that It all happened when I was traveling in Uber with two friends. There, when the car stopped at the traffic light, a sports car hit them.

“As we were detained, we received the full force of the vehicle behind”he specified, assuring that when he and one of his friends joined “we turned around and this rooster backed off and started”.

“At that moment with the adrenaline, the shock and the scare as if you don’t feel anything, except for a friend who Her neck and neck hurt a lot”said the journalist, who stated that this Thursday he woke up sore, especially the neck area, which he cannot move easily.

Although the Carabineros did not arrive at the scene of the event, Citizen Security approached and investigated the whereregardings of the patent that Vera wrote down. However, city officials claimed that the license plate did not match the registered car model.

Why am I going to tell them to take care of themselves?, if we were stopped in red. There was no way that we would have done something wrong that would trigger the situation,” closed the journalist, who also called for the use of seat belts in both the front and back seats.

in conversation with page 7, the journalist said that the most affected was one of his friends. “She and I were in the back and we felt the full impact. She got the worst of it. It resulted in some kind of trauma and is under observationapparently it is not serious ”, he described.

In addition to his stories, the communicator told his story in a publication, where he also showed how the Uber in which he traveled turned out. “Really This guy can’t keep walking the streets.”wrote the journalist from Here we are all.

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