José Mujica’s evolution is within expectations, warns his doctor

José Mujica’s evolution is within expectations, warns his doctor

The ex-president Jose Mujica continues his recovery following the diagnosis of cancer of the esophagus and his recovery is progressing “as expected” following completing the radiotherapy, According to her personal doctor, Raquel Pannone.

After the statements of the former vice president Lucía Topolanksy Regarding Mujica being “in the most difficult moment” of the treatment, Pannone explained to EFE that the recovery It does not allow it to be in perfect condition from one day to the next, but it evolves within logical parameters.

The former president, who in recent days has been undergoing a respiratory infectious condition of the usual ones of the time, you must wait two months following finishing the radiotherapy, completed less than 30 days ago.

“We have to wait. I had raised two months following the end of the treatmentbut they haven’t passed yet. We’ll see what we have to do when the controls are done,” said Pannone and clarified: “For now I can’t say anything.”

In this regard, the doctor defended the “waiting period” and asked “to wait patiently for his recovery and monitor how he is evolving.”

For Topolansky, Mujica is “in the most difficult moment”

Referring to the former president’s health status, Topolansky He considered that he is “in the most difficult moment”, pointing out that “he has the accumulation of all the radiation and that inflames the digestive system.”

In this regard, the former vice president and wife of Mujica He pointed out that a fundamental problem is food. “As we eat through the esophagus, unfortunately we can only eat soups, some juice, some gelatin. And the Uruguayans We are used to sticking to barbecues and stews,” he compared.

While he acknowledged that the referent of the MPP “It’s okay, but it’s winter and he can’t do all the activities,” he compared: “They say he participated in the internal, But compared to doing eight acts a day, as he did when he was a member of a thousand, it is nothing. He is like a dog that is tied to a chain.”

Regarding the recovery from the 30 radiotherapy sessions, he said: “The effects are delayed, in regarding a month and a half they can do the check-up. I am optimistic, I think the doctors have done a very good job, but we have to wait and be patient.”



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