José Eduardo Derbez and Paola Dalay celebrate their daughter Tessa’s second month – ¡HOLA!

With complete happiness, Jose Eduardo Derbez y Paola Dalay They embrace this moment in their lives after having made their dream of becoming parents come true. The young people are also celebrating, as this August 30th marks two months since the birth of their daughter Tessa. As expected, the proud mother dedicated an emotional message to the baby, a detail so special that it was accompanied by a surprise; the revelation of a video with images of the day the baby came into the world, memories that today form part of the couple’s family history.

Jose Eduardo Derbez and Paola Dalay,

From Tessa’s Months

As close as she usually is to her followers on social media, Paola published a dedication inspired by the little girl. With her feelings on the surface, she said that on a day like today, two months ago, her life and that of José Eduardo changed forever. “Today my chubby girl turns two months old. I can’t believe that two huge months have already passed since this beautiful moment…”, said the influencer on Instagram, a social network in which Tessa has been the protagonist of several of her publications, a space in which the girl has received praise from those who have closely followed this story.

Going deeper into her words, Paola also referred to the experience of living motherhood throughout these days, a stage of deep learning and complicity with José Eduardo. Both she and the young actor have put total dedication into this mission, giving the necessary care to the girl, the youngest of the Derbez clan so far. “It has been two beautiful, different, complicated months, requiring a lot of patience, but we are enjoying it so much…”, wrote Paola in her text, which moved users who immediately sent congratulations and good wishes to the lovers for this moment filled with pleasant emotions.

Jose Eduardo and Paola Dalay present baby Tessa© Exclusive ¡HOLA!Jose Eduardo and Paola Dalay present baby Tessa

The memory of Tessa’s arrival

For José Eduardo and Paola, the birth of their daughter Tessa not only brought happiness because it was the moment of their debut as parents. For the couple, the arrival of the baby also meant the union of their families and an extraordinary celebration in the delivery room. Paola recalled part of what happened that day when the displays of love were overwhelming. “By the way, in the operating room they had a great production, they even played songs by Carlos Rivera for us haha,” wrote the influencer in her post, which has accumulated thousands of “likes” from her followers.

Paola also made a special mention of José Eduardo, who has been very close to her to provide love and care to Tessa at all times. After all, the opportunity to become parents has been very exciting for both of them. “My love @jose_eduardo92 I love you so much, you are being the best dad for Tessa (no jokes, eh), you are the best,” added the young woman at the end of her text, who has been very open in revealing how she is experiencing this stage of great changes in her life.

The loving words of José Eduardo

For José Eduardo, this is an extraordinary period, in which he is slowly discovering his role as a father. At the same time, he proudly assumes the fact that he shares this joy with Paola, to whom he has sent a message of gratitude and admiration. “I love you, my love. Thank you for always being at your best and giving the best of yourself,” wrote the actor in response to his partner, with whom he has been able to form a great team on a personal level.



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