Jorge Fernández is already our native Joseph Baena, and not only because of his exercises on Instagram, of which we already have a collection, but also because of his experience in the gym and his knowledge to get the most out of our workouts. This time the presenter of the successful The wheel of luck He proposes a type of squat with the following instructions: “Slow eccentric, isometric and fast concentric”. In his case, he uses a 70-pound dumbbell and completes up to 10 repetitions.
Why should we try this type of squat? First, because it is an excellent exercise to activate both the gluteus and the quadriceps muscles to the maximum; In addition, we indirectly work the core and improve our postural hygiene.
What other types of squats can you do to exercise your lower body? Heavy barbell squats, both front and back logically, goblet squats, hack machine squats and of course bodyweight overhead squats (with or without jump). Remember how to do squats well and what types are there.
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