Washington correspondent
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology, has announced that he has resigned from his permanent position at the University of Toronto, denouncing the discrimination suffered today by “highly able, white, heterosexual male students.” Peterson had stopped teaching in 2017 but kept the position.
In a well-known article published by the Canadian newspaper «The National Post», Peterson said on January 19 that the policies of racial and gender inclusion are annihilating meritocracy, and that this led him to drop out of the university. “The appalling ideology of diversity, inclusion and equity is demolishing education and business,” the professor wrote.
Peterson is an influential conservative intellectual who went on to do research at Harvard and in 1998 moved to Toronto to teach at its university.
In 1999, he published his first book, ‘Maps of Senses: The Architecture of Belief’, which analyzes, using psychology, mythology, religion, literature, philosophy and neuroscience, why people from different cultures and times have been endowed with of very similar fables and myths.
The volume was a bestseller and in academia. In recent years, Peterson has become a great critic of identity politics which according to him have subdued the students and professors in the faculties.
In his gallery, the resigned professor admits that he had always imagined that he would end his days teaching or doing research at the University of Toronto, «until they had to get my skeleton out of my office». In the end, he has resigned for what he denounces as his inability to adapt to the new norms of political correctness.
Peterson’s main reason is that his “white, straight, highly-skilled” graduate students have “negligible chances of being offered university research positions, despite having stellar scientific records. This is due in part to the universally imposed obligations of diversity, inclusion and equity in academia.”
He also assures in his tribune that “we are at the point where race, ethnicity, gender or sexual preference are first accepted as the fundamental characteristic that defines each person (as expected by the radical leftists) and second, they are the most important qualification for study, research and employment.
Following this forum, Peterson, given to polemics, appeared on a successful US podcast, presented by commentator Joe Rogan on Spotify, in which he denounced that scientists exaggerate global warming and that climate change does not exist.