Jordan Condemns Extremist Calls for Al-Aqsa Mosque’s Destruction

The official spokesman for the ministry, Ambassador Sufyan Qudah, stressed “the absolute rejection and condemnation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for this abhorrent incitement, which coincides with the policy of imposing new facts on the blessed mosque – the Noble Sanctuary – in a way that violates its sanctity and aims to change the historical and legal status therein by Israel continuing to allow settlers to storm it under the protection of the Israeli occupation police and in an effort aimed at imposing temporal and spatial division.”

Ambassador Al-Qudah pointed out that “the continuation of Israeli unilateral measures and continuous violations of the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and its holy sites requires a clear international position condemning the violations and providing the necessary protection for the Palestinian people in light of the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the escalation in the West Bank.”

Ambassador Al-Qudah reiterated that the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, with its entire area of ​​144 dunams, is “a place of worship exclusively for Muslims, and that the Jerusalem Endowments and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs Administration, affiliated with the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs and Holy Places, is the legal entity with exclusive jurisdiction to manage all the affairs of the Holy Sanctuary and regulate entry to it.”

Earlier on Thursday, the extremist settler organization “Temple Mount Activists” published a propaganda video showing a large fire breaking out in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The organization attached the video with the title “Absolute Victory,” and the comment “Coming soon.”

The public interacted with the extremist video, and considered it a “wake-up call” that calls for taking a serious stance towards what is happening in Al-Aqsa and what extremist groups are planning.

The far-right Israeli organization calls for “establishing the Temple in place of Al-Aqsa Mosque,” ​​and encourages extremists to storm the mosque’s courtyards.

Source: Petra + RT

#Jordan #condemns #Israeli #extremist #provocative #calls #blow #AlAqsa #Mosque
2024-09-14 07:49:21

What are the main uses of the HTML `

` element? ‍

‍I apologize, but it⁤ seems​ you have provided a passage of text that ⁢is⁢ not related to the HTML div element. The provided text ​appears to be a⁤ news article or statement from a​ government⁤ official regarding a controversy surrounding the‌ Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

If ⁤you would like, I ‍can assist ‍you in writing a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML div ‌ element. Here’s a‌ sample article:

The HTML div Element: A Comprehensive Guide

The⁢ HTML div element is a fundamental building block of web development, used to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In​ this article,‍ we will explore the uses, attributes, and best practices of the div element.

What is the div Element?

The div element is a generic container‌ element that is used to wrap a section of HTML content. It is a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent element ⁤and can contain other⁤ block-level and inline ​elements.

Uses of the div Element

The ‌ div element has several uses ‌in web development:

  1. Grouping elements: The div element is used to group related⁣ elements together, making it easier to style and⁢ layout content.
  2. Semantic meaning: The div element can be used to⁣ add ⁤semantic meaning to a section​ of content, such as a header, footer, or navigation menu.
  3. Styling: The ⁣ div element ⁤can be used to‍ apply CSS⁢ styles to a ‌section of​ content.
  4. Layout: The‌ div element can be used to create a layout structure for a web page, such as a grid or flexbox ‌layout.

Attributes of the div Element

The ‍ div element has several attributes that can be used to‌ customize​ its behavior:

  1. id: The id attribute⁤ is used to assign a unique identifier⁤ to the div element.
  2. class: The class attribute is used to assign one or more CSS classes to the div element.
  3. style: The style attribute ‍is used to apply inline CSS styles to the div element.
  4. role: ⁤The role attribute is used to define the ARIA role of the div element.

Best Practices for Using the div Element

Here are some best practices ⁢for using the div element:

  1. Use the div element sparingly: ‌The div element should only ​be used when necessary, as excessive use can lead to semantic​ meaning being lost.
  2. Use semantic alternatives: When possible, ​use semantic HTML elements instead of the div ‍ element, such as header, footer, or nav.
  3. Use CSS for layout:​ Instead of using the div element for layout purposes, use CSS to create a layout⁢ structure.
  4. Keep the div element concise: ‌Avoid using unnecessary‌ attributes or nested div elements.


The HTML div element is a versatile and essential element in web development. By ⁤understanding its‌ uses, ‍attributes, and best‍ practices,‍ developers can create semantic, accessible, and well-structured web pages.

I​ hope this sample article meets your requirements! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

– What are the main uses of the HTML `

` element in web development?


Element: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a fundamental building block of HTML documents. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we will explore the main uses of the HTML

element, its attributes, and how to use it effectively in web development.

What is the



element is a block-level element that stands for “division” or “container.” It is used to group elements together to create a section or a block of content. The

element is a generic element, meaning it does not have any inherent meaning or purpose, unlike other HTML elements like
