Jordan and Tunisia Unite in Response to Israeli Actions in Gaza and the West Bank

Amman – Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi discussed with his Tunisian counterpart Mohamed Ali Nafti, on Wednesday, efforts to stop the Israeli “aggression” on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

This came during a phone call made by Safadi to Nafti to congratulate the latter on assuming his new position, according to a statement by the Jordanian Foreign Ministry.

The statement said that the two ministers discussed “efforts to stop the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.”

The two ministers also called for “the need to stop Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites in occupied Jerusalem, and the need to respect the historical and legal status quo in Islamic and Christian holy sites.”

Al-Safadi stressed that “protecting these holy sites and their Arab, Islamic and Christian identity is a priority for King Abdullah II, the custodian of these holy sites, (who) devotes all the Kingdom’s capabilities to them.”

The two ministers agreed to meet on the sidelines of the Arab League Council meetings at the ministerial level, which will convene in Cairo in a few days.

On August 28, the Israeli army launched a “military operation” in the northern West Bank, which was considered the “largest” since 2002, as large forces stormed the cities of Jenin and Tulkarm, their camps, and the Far’a camp near Tubas, before withdrawing at dawn on Thursday from the Far’a camp, and on the evening of the same day from Tulkarm, before returning to storm it on Monday.

In Jenin, operations are still ongoing for the eighth day, as the Israeli army sent armored forces reinforced by the air force to the city, and raided parts of its camp, according to the Anadolu Agency correspondent.

While 3 Palestinians were killed in the Hebron Governorate after two of them carried out two vehicle bombings in the Gush Etzion and Karmei Tzur settlements on Friday, and the third after carrying out a shooting operation south of Hebron.

In parallel with its war on Gaza, the Israeli army expanded its operations and settlers escalated their attacks in the West Bank since October 7, resulting in the killing of 685 Palestinians and the injury of 5,700 others, in addition to the arrest of more than 10,400, according to official Palestinian institutions.

While the US-backed Israeli war on Gaza resulted in more than 135,000 Palestinian deaths and injuries, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing, amid massive destruction and famine that killed dozens of children, in one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world.


#Jordan #Tunisia #discuss #efforts #stop #Israeli #aggression #Gaza #West #Bank
2024-09-07 07:13:13

Who is right Israel or Palestine

The Ongoing Conflict: Israel’s Aggression on Gaza and the​ Occupied West Bank

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has‍ been a pressing issue in the Middle East for decades, with recent events ‌escalating tensions between the two sides.‍ In a recent phone call, ⁤Jordanian ‌Foreign Minister Ayman⁢ Safadi discussed with his Tunisian counterpart Mohamed Ali Nafti efforts​ to stop the Israeli “aggression” on ‌Gaza and the occupied West Bank. This comes amidst a surge in violence, with the Israeli army launching a “military operation” in the northern‌ West Bank,‍ considered ⁢the largest since 2002 [[5]].

The Israeli aggression on Gaza ​has resulted⁣ in significant human suffering, with 11 Palestinian⁣ civilians killed​ in a five-day offensive in May, according to Amnesty International ​ [[1]]. The‌ conflict has also led to the destruction of infrastructure and homes, leaving many Palestinians without access to basic ⁤necessities like food, water, and healthcare.

Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist political⁢ party ‍and militant organization, has ‍been at the forefront of the conflict, with some of ⁢its leaders accused of human rights abuses, including rape and sexual violence [[2]]. However, the‍ organization ⁢has also ⁤been seen​ as a ⁢resistance force against ‌the Israeli occupation, with many Palestinians viewing its actions as a necessary response to⁣ the occupation and oppression.

The conflict has a long history, with the‍ Gaza-Israel conflict dating back to the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from Gaza [[3]]. ⁢Since then, ‌there have been numerous instances of violence, including Operation “Hot Winter” in 2008, the Gaza War in 2008-2009, and the⁤ 2011 cross-border attack.

The situation in the West Bank is equally dire, with the Israeli army⁤ expanding its operations and settlers ⁤escalating their attacks. The recent “military operation” in the northern West Bank has resulted in the deaths of three Palestinians, with the Israeli army raiding cities and camps in the region [[5]].

The Jordanian⁣ Foreign Minister’s call for efforts to stop⁣ the Israeli ‌aggression on Gaza and the occupied West Bank ⁣is a ⁢much-needed step towards peace ⁣and stability ⁣in ⁢the region. The international community must also play a role in promoting a peaceful resolution​ to the conflict, which has lasted for‌ far too long.

The Importance of Protecting Holy Sites

The conflict also has significant implications for holy sites in Jerusalem, with the Jordanian Foreign Minister calling for the need to stop Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites and respect the historical and legal status quo ⁤in ⁣these sites [[5]]. The protection of these sites is crucial, not only for ‍the Palestinian population ⁤but also for the‌ global Muslim and​ Christian communities.

The King of Jordan, Abdullah II, has emphasized the ⁤importance of​ protecting these holy⁢ sites, devoting all the Kingdom’s capabilities to ​this goal [[5]]. The international community must also ⁤recognize the importance of preserving these‌ sites, which are an integral part⁢ of the region’s cultural heritage.

A Call to Action

The ongoing conflict between Israel and ​Palestine is a complex issue, with deep historical and political roots. However, it is clear that the current situation is unsustainable, with innocent civilians caught in the⁤ crossfire.

It⁢ is imperative ‌that ‌the international community comes together to ‌promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict, which ​respects the rights of all‌ parties involved. This ⁢includes the Palestinians’ right ​to self-determination and the Israelis’ ⁢right to security.

Ultimately, ⁢the only way to achieve lasting peace is through dialogue and‌ negotiation, with all parties working together to find a solution ‍that benefits everyone.





(article​ provided)

Who is right Israel or Palestine

The Ongoing Conflict: Israel’s Aggression on Gaza and the Occupied West Bank

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been a pressing issue in the Middle East for decades, with recent events escalating tensions between the two sides. In a recent phone call, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi discussed with his Tunisian counterpart Mohamed Ali Nafti efforts to stop the Israeli “aggression” on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, primarily as a conflict over territory [[3]]. The conflict has resulted in the killing of thousands of people, the displacement of many more, and the destruction of numerous homes and infrastructure.

Recent events have only added to the tension, with the Israeli army launching a “military operation” in the northern West Bank, considered the “largest” since 2002 [[1]]. The operation resulted in the killing of Palestinians and the injury of many others, in addition to the arrest of thousands more. The Israeli army has also expanded its operations and settlers have escalated their attacks in the West Bank since October 7, resulting in the killing of 685 Palestinians and the injury of 5,700 others, in addition to the arrest of more than 10,400, according to official Palestinian institutions.

The situation in Gaza is even more dire, with the US-backed Israeli war on Gaza resulting in more than 135,000 Palestinian deaths and injuries, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing, amid massive destruction and famine that killed dozens of children, in one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the world [[2]].

A Norwegian physician has described the effects of Israeli aggression and blockades in Gaza as “beyond any cruelty” he has ever seen, even as a doctor of emergency medicine [[1]]. The situation in Gaza is a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict and the need for peaceful resolution.

The Jordanian and Tunisian foreign ministers also called for the need to stop Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites in occupied Jerusalem, and the need to respect the historical and legal status quo in Islamic and Christian holy sites. Al-Safadi stressed that protecting these holy sites and their Arab, Islamic, and Christian identity is a priority for King Abdullah II, the custodian of these holy sites, who devotes all the Kingdom’s capabilities to them.

The ongoing conflict has resulted in a significant humanitarian crisis, with many Palestinians in need of urgent assistance. The international community must come together to provide aid and support to those affected and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

It is clear that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and deeply entrenched issue, with deep historical, political, and religious roots. However, it is imperative that the international community works towards a peaceful resolution, one that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved. The ongoing conflict has resulted in immense human suffering, and it is our collective responsibility to work towards a better future for all.







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