JOP2024: French public health mobilizes and strengthens surveillance

2024-06-20 22:00:00

this Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) It will welcome millions of visitors this summer. The unifying event has also raised health concerns, leading to greater vigilance, particularly in Île-de-France and the regions where the competition is held. The French public health authorities are therefore fully mobilized to implement a strengthened health surveillance and epidemiological surveillance system that raises awareness and prevents risks to population health and is able to issue alerts through the mobilization of health products or strategic stocks of the health sector and provide action responses. From July 8 to September 15, the French Public Health Agency, in collaboration with its partners, will deploy routine measures at national level during the summer and provide them through pre-hospital personnel (SAMU, firefighters, paramedics) and international surveillance Provide information feedback to enrich the infection risk of this measure.

Potential Health Risk Map

Any gathering of people may result in increased health risks. The French public health agency, together with international counterparts and partners, has identified potential health events that may occur during the 2024 Paris Olympics, so it has produced a risk map based on:

Scientific literature documenting health events related to large gatherings, local, national and international epidemiological situations regarding different infectious disease pathologies, environmental conditions.

These risks have been prioritized according to their severity and likelihood of occurrence during the summer, taking into account future population movements. Key risks identified include:

Infectious risks: collective food poisoning, arbovirus, measles, etc.

Our previous experience monitoring large gatherings (Fleet in Rouen, COP21, Euro 2016, etc.) and feedback from the London 2012 Olympics demonstrated the importance of having a reactive monitoring system that ensures daily feedback.

Mobilizing new monitoring system for JOP2024

The French Ministry of Public Health is working with its partners to develop surveillance and alert systems. The new system will be in place to complement existing systems and strengthen the ability to detect any unusual events affecting health and limit health risks within France:

Ensure international surveillance of infectious signals with the support ofeconomic development center ; Surveillance system based on SAMU data to monitor all-cause call volume and support provided by SAMU related to JOP 2024 progress; non-specific surveillance in collaboration with the Paris Fire Brigade (BSPP). It will be able to collect data on the treatment of victims of different clinical conditions (trauma, dyspnea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, chest pain, alcohol consumption) in Paris and the inner city (departments 92, 93 and 94). ); Deployment of non-specific surveillance in conjunction with the main first aid association (Predictive Emergency System) around the playing venues in Ile-de-France and at certain celebration venues, which will allow the BSPP to monitor the administrative burden on victims for a similar clinical picture.

Mobilization of regular use equipment and seasonal equipment

Surveillance is at the heart of France’s public health authorities’ actions. Throughout the year, it relies on powerful systems in daily use, some of which ensure daily feedback, such as:

SurSaUD® Syndrome Surveillance System (SURveillance SANitaire des Emergcies et des Décés) for the near-instantaneous identification of unexpected events and assessment of the impact (or lack thereof) from data on hospital emergencies, SOS Médecins or death associations. Potential threats to use and population health. As a management support tool, it is particularly useful for the responsive implementation of public health actions. In the context of the JOP, the issue is to detect any situation that may evolve into a cluster or epidemic as early as possible so that control and preventive measures can be implemented. The 20 CNRs covering infectious agents selected during the risk mapping process will contribute to network-based surveillance systems of laboratories (3Labos), physicians (Sentinel Network) and voluntary hospital services (Pediatric Nephrology Hospital Service and Paediatrics), which Signals and alerts can be generated. The Emergen consortium is part of SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance to identify emerging variants in the region.

Seasonal monitoring equipment has also been activated:

The Heatwave and Health Alert System (Sacs) is managed by the French Ministry of Public Health and its goal is to predict heatwaves that may have a significant impact on health and enable the rapid implementation of preventive measures and event management. The system operates from June 1 to September 15 every year and is triggered when at least one department in France enters orange alert status from June 1 to September 30. It is operated by the French Public Health Agency and the National Safety Observation System for Maritime Activities. coordination. It can collect and analyze data on drowning, death or death. Surveillance for arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya and Zika) is based on mandatory declaration and reporting of any biologically recorded cases. This monitoring was intensified across France between May 1 and November 30, with the aim of allowing public mosquito exterminators to intervene quickly.

JOP health monitoring results will be reported through national and regional weekly bulletins published weekly on our website from the week of July 15, 2024, and will be available in the dedicated JOP2024 space.

« The agency is always present at major events. JOP is no exception. For many years, these teams have been preparing to carry out alert, surveillance and prevention tasks together with the governments responsible for the Ministry of Health and Paris 2024. Now, a new collaboratively developed monitoring system enhances a robust multi-source monitoring system that is active year-round and ensures daily feedback. Throughout the JOP, they will contribute to early detection of alerts and signals identified and verified by epidemiologists to educate policymakers and inform the public. Health reserves, pharmaceutical institutions and our prevention experts will be ready to intervene based on identified signals and needs. »

Dr. Caroline Semaille, Director of the French Public Health Service

French public health and JOP: where to find information?

From June 20, the homepage of the French Public Health website will provide a space dedicated to the agency’s actions during the JOP. It provides healthcare professionals with all the latest news, weekly bulletins, prevention tools and frequently asked questions.

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