Jonathan Maicelo: David Pantera Zegarra challenges him to a fight: “If it doesn’t become official, I’ll go and smack him…” VIDEO entertainment | SHOWS

He wants a fight at all costs. was the guest of the program ‘Com FM’, hosted by Mario Irivarren and Fabianne Hayashida, where she talked about different anecdotes and secrets from the reality show ‘Combate’. In addition, she referred to Jonathan Maicelo.

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It was Fabianne Hayashida, who asked him about the enmity he has with Jonathan Maicelo, something that Zegarra answered instantly.

“I have always criticized Maicelo for the way he refers to the public in front of cameras (…) I cannot speak badly, we set a bad example for the boys. What bothers him is that I criticize him.

‘Pantera’ Zegarra challenges Jonathan Maicelo to a fight in 2023

After Zegarra explained the reasons for his enmity with Jonathan Maicelo, he indicated that he would like to fight the chalaco officially, but if this does not happen, he would look for him on public roads to challenge him.

If the fight with Maicelo It doesn’t become official, I say it publicly, this year, next year I’ll go and smack him… You know why? He owes me a debt, he disrespected me. It’s one thing to be disrespected by talking and another to get their hands on you. That’s demeaning.” stated.

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The ‘Pantera‘ He said he wanted the fight to happen to be calm: “So, thank God, we are boxers and we can get the width inside or outside the ring. If I can’t get it inside, I have to get it outside. This, to be at peace with myself”.

In addition, he made it clear that the chalaco boxer never accepts the challenge: “Maicelo sucks. I am direct and frontal. There have been several bidders, but it is not given because he does not want to. Let’s see if this year it happens, if not watch your back because I’m going to look for it ”.

‘Pantera’ challenges Maicelo to a fight: “If it doesn’t become official, I’ll go and smack him…”. Video: TikTok

Why does the ‘Pantera’ Zegarra and Jonathan Maicelo fight never happen?

It is probable that the expected meeting between the boxers will not take place due to the high amounts requested by both boxers, something that the promoters do not want to pay, since they fear that the fight will not generate the money necessary to recover the profits invested in the sporting event. .

‘Pantera’ Zegarra says that Jonathan Maicelo denigrates the sport

In addition, ‘Pantera’ Zegarra considers that Jonathan Maicelo denigrates boxing, since he does not take care of his image and his activity.

“All boxers have to be like Maicelo… But why? I try to take care of my image so that the other can grab and denigrate al sport”, ended.

‘Pantera’ Zegarra reveals how much he was paid in ‘Combate’

David ‘Pantera’ Zegarra He revealed how much he was paid when he entered the extinct ATV space.

“I didn’t want to go into ‘Combat’. I went to an interview for a sports program and that interview is canceled and to make time, the producer of the sports program invites me to dinner and I meet Marisol (Coursillat) ”, told at the beginning.

“They offered me US$1,000 and I had never seen that kind of money in my life, if the IPD paid me S/1,200″, counted. Then they offered her US$1,500 and only when they told her that she would win US$2,000 did she say yes.


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