Jokowi’s Potential Partnership with Gerindra Seen as Premature

Gerindra Considered Too Early”/>
President Joko Widodo (left) after attending the Closing of the Gerindra Party National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) at the Indonesia Arena, GBK, Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday (31/8/2024). (ANTARA PHOTO/Fauzan)

University of Indonesia Political Science Expert Cecep Hidayat considers it too early to assume that Indonesian President Joko Widodo will join the Gerindra Party after his term ends.

“Although there are signs of closeness, there is no clear indication that Jokowi will join Gerindra. Many believe that this relationship is more about political diplomacy and building alliances rather than Jokowi’s steps to become a cadre of a particular party,” Cecep was quoted as saying by Antara, Sunday (1/9).

The answer was a response to the statement of the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party DPP Ahmad Muzani who admitted to being proud when President Joko Widodo came to the Gerindra Party Cadre Roll Call event on Saturday (31/8) wearing white clothes. The white clothes are typical clothes often worn by the General Chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP Prabowo Subianto and his cadres.

“Indeed, in the last few days, Mr. Jokowi has been adapting to the party’s colors in every party event he attends. Usually, love is the last thing that will blossom in his heart,” said Muzani.

According to Cecep, Muzani’s statement is often to show closeness or a certain political signal. However, it does not necessarily reflect Jokowi’s official intentions.

He assessed that Jokowi, with his position as head of state, has a responsibility to be close to all parties, one of which is by wearing clothes that are the same color as the typical color of the party that Jokowi is visiting.

Also read: Acknowledging Jokowi’s Greatness, Prabowo: Not Just Sycophant

Cecep then gave an example when attending the closing ceremony of the 11th National Conference of the Golkar Party, Jokowi was seen wearing a yellow shirt.

Likewise, when attending the opening of the 6th Congress of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Jokowi attended wearing a blue shirt. The two colors are the colors that symbolize each party.

“This is actually to show that Jokowi is close and also a part of everything. So, it’s not that he suddenly becomes a Gerindra cadre,” said Cecep.

Also read: Jokowi’s closeness to Prabowo is because he is not controlled by a third party

Regarding Prabowo Subianto as the General Chairman of the Gerindra Party who has praised President Jokowi several times during the cadre assembly, he considered that it showed political cooperation between them. However, it does not mean that Jokowi will join Gerindra.

“The context is to show the public that they are very close. So, that is the communication conveyed to the public,” he said.

Finally, when discussing Jokowi’s political future after his term as president ends, Cecep believes that Jokowi already has an exit plan regarding the continuation of his career, whether to continue in another role or remain in politics.

“Jokowi has said he will return to his hometown. However, with his series of activities, I don’t think he will return to his hometown. Maybe later, for example, to become a member of the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA) or something else,” he said. (Ant/P-5)

#Jokowis #Assumption #Joining #Gerindra #Considered #Early

Jokowi’s Potential Move to Gerindra: Is It ​Too ‍Early to‍ Assume?

!Jokowi’s‍ Assumption of Joining Gerindra⁢ Considered Too Early

President Joko Widodo (left) after attending the Closing of the Gerindra Party National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) at the⁢ Indonesia Arena, GBK, Senayan, ⁤Jakarta, Saturday (31/8/2024). (ANTARA PHOTO/Fauzan)

As President Joko Widodo ⁢approaches the end of his​ term, ⁤speculation surrounding his political ‍future ⁣has intensified.​ A recent statement by Cecep Hidayat, a political ⁤science expert at the⁤ University of Indonesia, has stirred discussions on whether‌ Jokowi’s actions ⁤signal an impending transition to‍ the ⁢Gerindra Party. However, he emphasizes that it may still be too early to draw such conclusions.

Understanding the Context of Jokowi’s Political⁣ Moves

Cecep highlights the complexities of Jokowi’s relationships within the ​political landscape. He notes that while ​there have been​ observable signs of closeness between Jokowi​ and the Gerindra‍ Party,⁢ particularly‌ during recent ​events, ​these should not be ⁤taken as definitive indicators ​of an intent to join the party.

Remarkably, this conversation follows remarks ‍by⁢ Ahmad Muzani, the Secretary-General of Gerindra, who expressed pride in Jokowi’s ⁢attendance at ⁣a party event clad in the party’s signature white attire. Muzani’s ⁢comments​ imply a deepening ⁢bond between the President ‍and Gerindra, led by Prabowo Subianto.

Analyzing ‍Political⁣ Diplomacy ​vs. Personal Affiliation

According to Cecep,⁢ the‍ relationship between Jokowi and​ Gerindra likely revolves around political diplomacy and alliance-building rather than an outright ‌intention to integrate into the party’s ranks. ​He remarked, “Many believe that this relationship ‌is more about political diplomacy and⁢ building alliances rather than Jokowi’s steps to become ‌a ​cadre of a particular⁣ party.”

Jokowi has ‌a profound responsibility as Indonesia’s head ‌of state, which includes fostering relations with various political factions. Cecep pointed out that wearing party⁣ colors⁢ at events⁢ reflects this responsibility, ‌serving to unify rather than​ signify a shift in allegiance.

For‌ instance, Jokowi was previously seen in a yellow shirt for ​the Golkar Party’s national​ conference and a blue shirt⁢ at the PAN⁣ Congress—both acts‌ of political goodwill.

The Nuances of Political Cooperation

Moreover, Cecep ⁣notes that the praise ⁤expressed ‍by Prabowo towards Jokowi during Gerindra events highlights a strategic ‌collaboration rather than a‍ prelude to a formal merger. “The context is to⁣ build a cooperative relationship ⁣that can benefit both parties during and after ⁣his⁣ presidency,” Cecep elucidates.

Conclusion: A Wait-and-See Approach

the current narrative surrounding‌ President Joko Widodo’s potential association with⁣ the Gerindra Party remains speculative at best. ⁤As per Cecep ⁢Hidayat’s observations, while political camaraderie and cooperation may be flourishing, any ⁢assertions of Jokowi joining Gerindra are premature. ⁤

As the political landscape ⁢evolves, the public and analysts are advised to adopt a⁤ wait-and-see approach, keeping an eye on developments and Duterte’s engagements with all parties as ⁤he concludes his presidency.

This article aims to clarify the intricacies ‍of ‌political relationships in Indonesia as ⁢they pertain to President Joko ⁣Widodo’s tenure. For⁣ more updates ⁣on Indonesian politics and⁢ political analysis, stay tuned!



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