Jokowi Pushes for Asset Confiscation Bill, Puan Says Sooner is Better

Speaker of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) Puan Maharani led the DPR plenary meeting. (MI/Susanto)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the Indonesian House of Representatives to immediately discuss the Draft Law (RUU) on Confiscation of Criminal Assets to be passed. According to him, this bill can be used to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

Responding to that, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, questioned the urgency of the request to accelerate the Asset Confiscation Bill requested by Jokowi. “Will accelerating it be better, please ask that,” Puan emphasized, at the Indonesian House of Representatives Building, Jakarta, Thursday (29/8).

“What is certain is that every discussion of the Law must meet the existing requirements and must obtain input from all elements of society as needed,” he explained.

Then, Puan said, legal requirements and mechanisms must be met. So, Puan could not promise whether the ratification of the Asset Confiscation Bill could be completed within the DPR RI period which will soon end.

“So in this short period of time, whether we have time or not, we focus on the important things that need to be completed,” he said.

Based on the Asset Confiscation Bill, the 2015 Draft states that there are a number of assets that can be confiscated,

Also read: Jokowi Hopes DPR Discusses Asset Confiscation Bill as Quickly as Regional Election Bill

1. Directly or indirectly related to a criminal act.

2. Assets that have been donated become personal wealth, other people’s wealth, or that of a corporation.

3. Assets used for criminal acts.

Also read: The Ball of Confiscation Perppu is in President Jokowi’s Hands

4. Criminal assets of the convict become replacement money, criminal assets are directly related to the criminal status of the convict.

5. Found items that are strongly suspected of originating from a criminal act.

6. Corporate assets obtained from criminal acts or used for criminal acts.

Also read: Asset Confiscation Bill Must Be Harmonized with Corruption, Narcotics and Terrorism Laws

7. Assets of suspects/defendants who have died, run away, are permanently ill, or whose whereabouts are unknown.

8. Assets for which the defendant was acquitted of all charges, but based on evidence the assets were used for crime.

9. Assets for which criminal cases cannot be tried because they have been used for crimes.

10. Assets that are final and have not been confiscated.

11. Assets of public officials that are not balanced with their income and whose origins cannot be proven. (Ykb/P-2)

#Jokowi #Pushes #Asset #Confiscation #Bill #Puan #Sooner



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