Jokowi Officially Signs the Latest Ministry Law for Prabowo’s Fat Cabinet – CNN Indonesia

Jokowi’s Generous Cabinet Gift: A Recipe for Prabowo’s Kitchen of Ministries

“Welcome to the government buffet, where you can have as many ministries as you want!”

In a move that could only be described as intriguing, Indonesian President Joko Widodo, affectionately known as Jokowi, has penned his signature on a law allowing the newly elected President Prabowo Subianto to expand his cabinet. And trust me, this isn’t just any average buffet; this is an all-you-can-eat ministry extravaganza!

The recently signed Law Number 61 of 2024 concerning Amendments to the Ministry of State Law effectively gives Prabowo a free pass to designate ministries without the pesky limitation of 34 as previously stipulated. Fancy that! Now, the cabinet can morph into whatever shape his heart (or mind) desires. Think of it as a game show: “Keep the changes coming!”

One of the major changes—article 15—transforms the way ministries are controlled. Gone are the days where the president had to stick to a fixed number like a kid at a candy store with a low budget. Now, Prabowo can change the number of ministries at will, all depending on the “needs of government administration.” Because clearly, managing a state is just like arranging a dinner party—what’s the latest trend? How many guests are arriving? Can we fit in another ministry for the neighbor?

And Chinese whispers alert! This isn’t just a solo act. Prabowo already has a guest list—a whopping 108 candidates for ministers and vice-ministers are waiting in the wings! Talk about over-commitment! With 49 potential ministers, Prabowo is clearly exhibiting a rare talent: the ability to throw a dinner party without knowing how many people will actually show up.

Mark your calendars for October 20, folks! This date marks the official transition of power where Prabowo and Jokowi’s eldest son, Gibran, will be ceremonially welcomed into their new roles. This also signifies ten whole years of Jokowi’s governance coming to a close — that’s a whole decade of handing out ministry slots like a free sample at a supermarket!

The opposition, however, has plans to keep a keen eye on Prabowo’s merry ministerial mischief. Ah yes, nothing quite like a watchful legislature to keep the cabinet chefs cooking in the right kitchen. It’s quite soothing, isn’t it, to think that while one hand is busy concocting new ministries, the other is eyeing the recipe books for accountability? Life in politics is never short of irony, after all!

If you ask me, the real question is: how many ministries can fit in one cabinet before it tips over? Perhaps we should start a betting pool. And just imagine the cabinet meetings: will they still use a round table, or do they need to upgrade to a banquet table now?

So buckle up, because Indonesia’s political kitchen is about to get a lot busier. Whether this new structure leads to improved governance or just a series of comical misadventures—well, only time (and, possibly, the satirical news) will tell!

(Adapted from CNN Indonesia, 2023)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) approved the addition of ministers to the President-elect’s cabinet Prabowo Subianto through the Law of the Ministry of State.

Jokowi signed the law previously agreed upon by the government and the DPR. The regulation officially takes effect on October 15 2024 under the name Law Number 61 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning State Ministries.



One of the articles changed in the law is article 15. This article regulates the president’s authority to control the number of ministries, and is not limited as in the previous law.

The total number of ministries established as intended in articles 12, article 13 and article 14 is determined in accordance with the needs of government administration by the president,” reads article 15 in the new Ministry of State Law.

In the previous Law on State Ministries, the number of ministries was limited. The president can only create a maximum of 34 ministries.

The new State Ministry Law contains two parts of changes. The first part adds articles 6A and 9A. This section also changes the provisions in articles 15 and 25. Likewise, the deletion of article 10 and changing the title of Chapter VI.

The second part regulates the supervision of the implementation of the Law on State Ministries which must be carried out by the DPR.

Government and Representative Council Ra[yatmelaluialatkelengkapanyangmenanganibidanglegislasiwajibmelakukanpemantauandanpeninjauanterhadappelaksanaanundang-undanginipalinglambat2(dua)tahunsetelahundang-undanginimulaiberlakuberdasarkanmekanismeyangdiaturdalamundang-undangmengenaipembentukanperaturanperundang-undangandanperaturanpelaksanaannya,” bunyi poin satu Pasal II UU Kementerian Negara baru.

Sebelumnya, Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto berniat menambah jumlah kementerian di kabinetnya. Niat itu diikuti revisi UU Kementerian Negara.

Prabowo sudah memanggil 108 orang calon menteri, wakil menteri, dan kepala negara. Diduga sebanyak 49 orang di antaranya adalah calon menteri.

Prabowo dan anak sulung Jokowi, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, akan dilantik menjadi Presiden dan Wakil Presiden RI pada 20 Oktober mendatang di MPR, Jakarta. Pada hari itu juga menjadi momen berakhirnya masa pemerintahan Jokowi yang sudah dua periode atau sepuluh tahun menjadi Presiden RI.


[Gambas:Video CNN]



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