President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called the synchronization of programs from the central government to the regions the key to successful national development. Jokowi said there needed to be increased synchronization of development, especially in terms of planning and implementation of central government programs and follow-up programs in the regions.
Jokowi stated that Indonesia has a National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) and a National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), as well as a Government Work Plan (RKP) as a guide to achieving development success.
“What is not yet is whether or not it is in sync with the big plan that we have, this is not yet the case. “So, synchronization is key,” said Jokowi at the 2024 National Musrenbangnas in the context of preparing the 2025 Government Work Plan (RKP) with the theme Acceleration of Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Monday (6/5).
He gave an example, when the central government builds a dam and primary irrigation in an area, what happens is that the program is not continued by the regional government to build secondary and tertiary irrigation until it flows to rice fields and households as raw water.
Another example, when the central government through the Ministry of Transportation built a port, the access road to it that should have been built locally was never built. “This is what is called out of sync and out of rhythm,” said Jokowi.
All central government programs inline with the RPJMN, down to the regions it must be in line. For this reason, Jokowi reminded the ministry that if it has a development plan, it must be conveyed to the regions that want to accommodate it.
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“Knock the door, I’m sorryFor example, are we ready or not, we (the central government) will build reservoirs, but secondary and tertiary irrigation will be built regionally. “If you can’t afford it, then move to another province,” said Jokowi.
Jokowi added that often regional leaders only agree at the beginning, but are unable to implement or even complete it. The reason is that it is difficult for their Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) spending.
“This is the role of synchronization. “The key lies with the regional secretary (sekda) and the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), and the DPRD,” said Jokowi.
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To date, for 10 years, the Indonesian government has built many dams and is targeting completion of 54-60 dams by 2024. The central government has also built 2,049 kilometers of toll roads, 5,833 kilometers of national roads, 25 new ports and 25 airports. new.
However, efforts to build this infrastructure must be integrated with the development of other sectors. President Jokowi requested that once the toll road has been built, Bappeda should see the toll road as the main axis and must be connected to productive tourism, plantation and agricultural areas as well as craft centers.
“That’s what the region should do. “If you can’t afford it (the funds), tell it to the center,” added Jokowi.
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Currently, priority regional programs can be carried out with support from the center following the issuance of the Regional Roads Presidential Instruction as a government effort to increase the stability of regional roads and integrated connectivity with the national road network system.
“For example, if a region has plans to build a road to a sarong or furniture craft center, but is unable to build the road, now this can be done through the Regional Road Presidential Instruction. Last year IDR 14.6 trillion was spent on repairing damaged roads. “This year IDR 15 trillion has been prepared,” explained the President.
However, with conditions, depending on which priority generates economic returns, it becomes a productive road access to agriculture and plantations.
“Don’t let roads only be used daily, but must be productive for agriculture and plantations. This will give rise to return economy. “This is what the regions have to calculate,” said Jokowi.
The President gave an example, in the construction of reservoirs, for example, it is hoped that the aim is not only to irrigate or irrigate agriculture, but also to provide raw water for households. However, what often happens is that when the main pipe is completed, the connection pipe to the household has not been built. As a result, regional drinking water companies (PDAM) always suffer losses and are unable to connect pipes to households. “That should be-support APBD from the region. “But until now nothing is working, including household connections for drinking water,” said Jokowi.
Results Oriented
Jokowi said he had conveyed to the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa regarding Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of Drinking Water Supply and Domestic Waste Water Management Services. However, Jokowi asked regional governments not to be too dependent on the central government.
“Don’t do everything from the central government. (Regional government) when they hear the presidential instruction, they (say) thank God. Then, Dad, Mom, what do you do? “This is something that must be considered together so that what has been built can truly be productive because the people need it,” stressed Jokowi.
Therefore, the synchronization of the 2025 RKP must be based on program principles that are in line, in harmony, between the center and the regions. “Don’t let the center go to the right, the area to the left. Everyone must inline. Don’t let, for example, if the center wants to increase food production, the regions instead convert rice fields into property. “This is not in sync,” said Jokowi.
The President also requested that the program be results-oriented, where there are economic returns. “You have to focus, don’t let the budget be diverted to official events and the priority scale is not clear. There is a 10% increase, everyone is given 10%. “It’s not clear what the priority is,” said Jokowi.
The President emphasized that the budget should not be used only for meetings and comparative studies. Apart from that, the program must be right on target and strategic. This means that the benefits of the APBN and APBD are truly visible because they are right on target. Jokowi said he no longer wanted to see irregularities in the use of community health center budgets for treatment stunting instead it was used to build a fence for the health center, because the two things are not related.
“Therefore, I hope that this Musrenbangnas can be a screw connecting the central, provincial, district and city development agendas, so that everyone inlinein rhythm and on target, and the results are truly felt by the people,” said Jokowi.
Meanwhile, the 2024 Musrenbangnas also integrates and perfects the draft Ministry/Agency Work Plans for 2025 and aligns them with regional government programs and activities in line with the direction of transformation. Every year, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas implements Musrenbangnas as an important part of development, in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning System.
Minister of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Ministry of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa emphasized that the Preliminary Draft of the 2025 RKP has contained an important agenda which refers to the Final Draft of the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045, the Technocratic Draft of the Development Plan National Medium Term (RPJMN) 2025-2029, including several agendas related to the elected president’s program.
“Integration with the elected president’s program will continue until the 2025 Government Work Plan is determined,” explained Minister Suharso.
The RKP must carry out basic principles, namely harmonization of central and regional programs, orientation to productive results, as well as accuracy of targets and budget allocation strategies. The 2025-2045 RPJPN to achieve a Golden Indonesia 2045 will only be successful if it is guided by both the RPJMN, the Regional Medium Term Development Plan and the RKP.
“In order to maintain development coherence, there is a need for harmony between the center and the regions, especially on macro development indicators as well as program and activity plans,” explained Minister Suharso.
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