Jokowi Launches Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road, Emphasizing the Importance of Enhanced Connectivity

President Joko Widodo[3] inaugurates the toll road. (MI/Rudi Kurniawansyah)

President Joko Widodo emphasized that infrastructure is very important to improve connectivity. Therefore, the government will continue to accelerate infrastructure development, especially toll roads.

“Including the construction of the Trans-Sumatra toll road, with a total length of 2,998 kilometers. Later, everything will be connected from Lampung to Aceh,” said Jokowi when inaugurating the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road Sections 2, 3, 5, and 6, in Aceh Besar, Monday (9/9).

He hopes that the Trans Sumatra toll road will encourage economic growth, equalize welfare in Sumatra, increase travel time efficiency, and create a domino effect for the community.

This inauguration is four of six sections of the Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road, spanning 35 km which has been built since 2019, at a cost of IDR 13.5 trillion.

He is optimistic that the road infrastructure will grow new economic growth points, new businesses, and motivate small and micro businesses to expand their businesses so that they can revive the economy in Aceh. (Z-11)

#Inaugurating #SigliBanda #Aceh #Toll #Road #Jokowi #Emphasizes #Importance #Connectivity

Indonesia infrastructure projects

Accelerating Infrastructure Development: The Importance of Toll Roads in Indonesia

Infrastructure development is a crucial aspect of a nation’s growth and progress. It ‌plays a vital role in improving connectivity, facilitating economic growth, and enhancing the overall quality⁢ of life of citizens. In Indonesia, the government has been emphasizing⁢ the ⁤importance​ of infrastructure⁢ development, with a particular focus on toll roads. Recently, President Joko Widodo inaugurated several ⁢sections of ‍toll roads, highlighting the significance of connectivity and infrastructure development in the country.

The ⁢Trans-Sumatra Toll Road: A Game-Changer for Indonesia

One of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in Indonesia is the Trans-Sumatra toll‍ road, which spans a ⁣total ⁤length​ of 2,998 ‌kilometers. This project aims to connect‍ the ⁢entire island of Sumatra,‍ from Lampung to Aceh, thereby improving connectivity and facilitating economic growth in the region. The Trans-Sumatra toll road is expected to stimulate economic activity, increase trade, and enhance‍ the‌ overall competitiveness of the region.

Recent Developments⁣ in Toll Road Infrastructure

In recent times, there have been several developments in toll road infrastructure in Indonesia. On October⁢ 26, 2023, ⁤President Jokowi ⁤officially inaugurated the Trans-Sumatra toll road at‍ the Indralaya-Prabumulih route⁢ [[1]]. This marked a significant ⁣milestone in the development ‍of the Trans-Sumatra ⁤toll road. Furthermore,⁤ on February 7, 2024, President Jokowi inaugurated two new sections of the Trans-Sumatra toll road, namely the ⁤Indrapura-Kisaran section⁣ [[3]]. These developments demonstrate the government’s commitment‌ to accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia.

The Sigli-Banda Aceh ⁢Toll Road: Improving Connectivity in Aceh

In addition to the Trans-Sumatra toll road, the government has also been focusing on improving connectivity in Aceh. Recently, President Jokowi inaugurated four sections of the Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road [[2]]. This project has been⁤ ongoing ‌since 2019, with a budget of around Rp13.5 trillion. The Sigli-Banda ⁣Aceh toll road is expected to improve connectivity ‍in Aceh, stimulate economic growth, and enhance the overall quality of life of citizens in the region.


infrastructure development, particularly toll ⁤roads, plays a ‌vital role in improving connectivity and stimulating economic⁤ growth in Indonesia. ‌The government’s commitment to⁤ accelerating infrastructure development is evident in the recent inaugurations of several sections of toll roads, including the Trans-Sumatra ‌toll road ⁣and the Sigli-Banda⁢ Aceh toll road. These projects are expected to have a positive impact on the economy​ and ⁣the quality of life of citizens in ‌Indonesia. As President Jokowi emphasized, infrastructure is very ⁢important‌ to improve connectivity,⁣ and the government will⁤ continue to accelerate infrastructure development, especially toll roads,⁣ to stimulate economic growth and enhance⁢ the competitiveness of the region.

Indonesia infrastructure projects

Accelerating Infrastructure Development: The Importance of Toll Roads in Indonesia

Infrastructure development is a crucial aspect of a nation’s growth and progress. It plays a vital role in improving connectivity, facilitating economic growth, and enhancing the overall quality of life of citizens. In Indonesia, the government has been emphasizing the importance of infrastructure development, with a particular focus on toll roads. Recently, President Joko Widodo inaugurated several sections of toll roads, highlighting the significance of connectivity and infrastructure development in the country.

The Trans-Sumatra Toll Road: A Game-Changer for Indonesia

One of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in Indonesia is the Trans-Sumatra toll road, which spans a total length of 2,998 kilometers. This project aims to connect the entire island of Sumatra, from Lampung to Aceh, thereby improving connectivity and facilitating economic growth in the region. The Trans-Sumatra toll road is expected to stimulate economic activity, increase trade, and enhance the overall competitiveness of the region.

Recent Developments in Toll Road Infrastructure

In recent times, there have been several developments in toll road infrastructure in Indonesia. On October 26, 2023, President Jokowi officially inaugurated the Trans-Sumatra toll road at the Indralaya-Prabumulih route [[1]]. This marked a significant milestone in the development of the Trans-Sumatra toll road. Furthermore, on February 7, 2024, President Jokowi inaugurated two new sections of the Trans-Sumatra toll road, namely the Indrapura-Kisaran section [[3]]. These developments demonstrate the government’s commitment to accelerating infrastructure development in Indonesia.

The Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road: Improving Connectivity in Aceh

In addition to the Trans-Sumatra toll road, the government has also been focusing on improving connectivity in Aceh. Recently, President Jokowi inaugurated four sections of the Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road [[2]]. This project has been ongoing since 2019, with a budget of around Rp13.5 trillion. The Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road is expected to improve connectivity in Aceh, stimulate economic growth, and enhance the overall quality of life of citizens in the region.


Infrastructure development, particularly toll roads, plays a vital role in improving connectivity and stimulating economic growth. The Indonesian government’s commitment to accelerating infrastructure development, particularly in the context of toll roads, is a significant step towards improving the country’s overall competitiveness and enhancing the quality of life of its citizens. With the inauguration of the Trans-Sumatra toll road and the Sigli-Banda Aceh toll road, Indonesia is poised to experience significant economic growth and development in the years to come.




[BBC News: Joko Widodo: From promising democrat to Indonesia’s president](



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