Jokowi Inaugurates 3 New Deputy Ministers, Public Doubts Acceleration of Ministry Performance – 2024-07-19 21:38:36

Inauguration process of 3 new deputy ministers (Presidential Secretariat Document)

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated three deputy ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet for the remaining term of office for the 2019-2024 period at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, Thursday (18/7).

Those who were inaugurated were Thomas Djiwandono, as Deputy Minister of Finance. Now Finance Minister Sri Mulyani has another deputy minister besides Suahasil Nazara.

Then Yuliot who filled the new position of Deputy Minister of Investment. And Sudaryono as Deputy Minister of Agriculture replacing Harvick Hasnul Qolbi.

Responding to this, political observer from the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Adi Prayitno, assessed that the inauguration was carried out only three months before the change of president to accelerate the performance of ministers.

“Of course to accelerate the performance of the minister. The position of deputy minister is there,” said Adi to Media Indonesia, Thursday (18/7).

“Multiplying the performance achievements of ministers. Beyond that, it must be linked to sharing power considering that Jokowi’s cabinet is only 3 months old,” he added.

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Adi is not really sure that the acceleration of ministerial performance can be done within three months. However, Adi said, at least the addition of the deputy minister position can anticipate an unstable economy.

“At least we can anticipate unstable economic conditions, with unpredictable ups and downs,” he said.

Meanwhile, Senior Researcher at the Center for Political Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency BRIN Lili Romli, revealed that with the remaining time of Jokowi’s administration soon to end, the reshuffle was not urgent.

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“With only a few months left, the public will see that there is no urgency in appointing these deputy ministers,” Lili explained, Thursday (18/7).

Lili said that the public would see the inauguration of the deputy ministers as an event to share out positions.

“The public will tend to see it as just a matter of sharing out positions rather than improving the ministry’s performance,” he stressed. (Z-8)

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