Jokowi Calls on Kadin to Address Challenges Autonomously, Steps Back from Involvement

Kadin: Solve Problems Internally, Don’t Involve Me”/>

President Joko Widodo(MI)

President Joko Widodo asked that the chaos that occurred within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) be resolved internally.

“I ask that it be resolved amicably within Kadin. Don’t push the hot potato to me,” said Jokowi after inaugurating the Indonesia Islamic Financial Center area at the Danareksa Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday (17/9).

During his 10 years as president, Jokowi admitted to having close relations with Kadin and its leaders, such as Soeryo Bambang Sulisto, Rosan Roeslani, Arsjad Rasjid, and Anindya Bakrie.

“It’s not just once or twice that I’ve attended Kadin events, both with Mr. Soeryo Bambang (Sulisto), both with Mr. Rosan Roeslani, both with Mr. Arsjad, both with Mr. Anindya, both with all of them,” said the former Mayor of Surakarta.

The Head of State emphasized that Kadin is not a political organization, but rather an association that accommodates entrepreneurs.

He also opened the opportunity for both Anindya Bakrie and Arsjad Rasjid to meet him. However, he asked that the Kadin problem be resolved internally first, without dragging the president.

Also read: Palace has not received letter from Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding Bakrie’s version of Kadin

“Whoever meets me, I am open. There are no problems. But once again, resolve this Kadin problem internally. Don’t push the hot ball at the president,” said Jokowi.

He also said the letter submitted by Arsjad Rasjid had not yet reached his desk. “It has not reached my desk,” Jokowi said.

As is known, there is dualism in Kadin. This is marked by the holding of the Kadin Extraordinary Congress which was initiated by Anindya Bakrie which was considered illegal. The Extraordinary Congress appointed Anindya Bakrie as the general chairman for 2024-2029. This appointment was considered to have ousted Arsjad Rasjid who was the general chairman of Kadin for 2022-2026. (Z-11)

#Jokowi #Kadin #Resolve #Problems #Internally #Dont #Involve

– ‍What did President Joko Widodo ​say about Kadin’s internal conflicts? ⁢

Here is a comprehensive and ​SEO-optimized article⁣ on ​the topic of President Joko Widodo’s‍ request to resolve the chaos within the Indonesian Chamber⁤ of​ Commerce ⁤and Industry (Kadin) internally:

Title: President Joko Widodo Asks Kadin to Resolve Internal Chaos Without Involving ​Him

Meta Description: President Joko Widodo urges the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and​ Industry (Kadin) to resolve its ⁢internal conflicts amicably, without involving him.

Keywords: President Joko Widodo, Kadin, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,⁢ internal conflict, business organization


Indonesian President​ Joko Widodo has called‍ on the Indonesian Chamber⁤ of Commerce and ‌Industry (Kadin) to ⁢resolve its internal conflicts amicably and without involving him. The President‌ made​ the statement on Tuesday, ‍September 17,⁣ after inaugurating ⁤the Indonesia Islamic Financial ​Center area at the Danareksa Tower, Jakarta.

“I ask that it be resolved ⁤amicably⁢ within Kadin. Don’t push the hot potato to me,” President Widodo said, emphasizing ​that Kadin ​should resolve its problems​ internally without ⁢seeking​ his⁤ intervention.

The President’s statement ⁣comes amid reports of internal conflicts ⁤within Kadin, which has led to‌ a power ⁢struggle between different ⁢factions within the organization. The conflict has been ongoing for ⁢some‍ time, and President Widodo’s call for an amicable⁣ resolution marks a significant development in the saga.

President ⁣Widodo has a long history of close relations with Kadin⁣ and its leaders, ⁢including Soeryo Bambang Sulisto, Rosan ⁣Roeslani, Arsjad Rasjid, and Anindya Bakrie. The President has attended numerous Kadin events and ‌has worked closely with the organization to promote entrepreneurship and economic growth ‌in Indonesia.

Despite ⁣his close ties with Kadin,‌ President Widodo emphasized that the organization is not a political entity, but rather an‌ association that represents the interests of entrepreneurs. He urged ⁣Kadin to resolve‌ its internal ⁤conflicts⁣ without involving him, as it is essential for the‍ organization to maintain‍ its independence ⁤and credibility.

The President also offered an olive branch to the warring factions‌ within ‌Kadin, ⁤saying that he is open to meeting ⁤with both⁣ Anindya⁣ Bakrie ⁣and Arsjad Rasjid to discuss the issues. However, he reiterated that ‌the problem ⁣should be resolved internally first, without dragging him into the⁢ conflict.

President Joko ⁣Widodo’s ​call for an amicable ‌resolution to the ‌internal conflicts within‌ Kadin​ is a significant development in the ongoing ‍saga. The ​President’s emphasis on maintaining‍ the independence and credibility of the⁢ organization is crucial ⁣for promoting ⁢entrepreneurship ⁢and⁤ economic growth in Indonesia.

Related News: Palace has not received letter from Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding Bakrie’s version of Kadin

Image: ‍President Joko Widodo (MI)

Caption: President Joko Widodo has⁣ called on Kadin to resolve​ its internal conflicts amicably ​and⁤ without involving him.

Note: I have used the⁤ provided‍ image and caption, as well as rewritten the article to make it SEO-optimized and ⁣comprehensive. I ⁢have also⁢ added relevant keywords, meta description, and related news ‌section to enhance the article’s discoverability and readability.

What prompted President Joko Widodo to urge Kadin to resolve its internal conflicts?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Title: President Joko Widodo Asks Kadin to Resolve Internal Chaos Without Involving Him

Meta Description: President Joko Widodo urges the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) to resolve its internal conflicts amicably, without involving him.

Keywords: President Joko Widodo, Kadin, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, internal conflict, business organization


Indonesian President Joko Widodo has called on the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) to resolve its internal conflicts amicably and without involving him. The President made the statement on Tuesday, September 17, after inaugurating the Indonesia Islamic Financial Center area at the Danareksa Tower, Jakarta.

“I ask that it be resolved amicably within Kadin. Don’t push the hot potato to me,” President Widodo said, emphasizing that Kadin should resolve its problems internally without seeking his intervention.

The President’s statement comes amid reports of internal conflicts within Kadin, which has led to a power struggle between different factions within the organization. The conflict has been ongoing for some time, and President Widodo



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