Jokowi Building of the Tambalorok Rob Embankment is focused for completion in August 2024 – 2024-06-18 20:35:48

President Joko Widodo targets the tidal management embankment undertaking and the association of the Fisherman’s Village space in Tambachlorok to be accomplished in August (Particular)


“The size of the tidal embankment is 3.6 kilometers. I feel in a minimal interval of 30 years it may well face up to the tidal embankments that happen,” mentioned Jokowi, Monday (17/6).

The development of the embankment price IDR 386 billion.

If this undertaking is profitable, it will likely be replicated in different tidal-prone areas. In the meantime, the Tambalorok tidal embankment has develop into a pilot undertaking for different areas.

“If that is good, if the association of fishing villages is nice, then we can replicate it, we are able to copy it to different areas. No less than there shall be an instance first,” mentioned Jokowi.

After the embankment has been constructed, he mentioned, solely then will the effectiveness of the embankment be seen in stopping tidal floods.

“This has simply been constructed, solely when it’s completed will its effectiveness be seen,” mentioned Jokowi.

Earlier within the morning, President Jokowi held Id Adha prayers at Simpang Lima Sq., subsequent to the Baiturrahman Mosque, Semarang. (Z-3)

#Jokowi #Building #Tambalorok #Rob #Embankment #focused #completion #August

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