Joint Responsibility and Training Bonus: public employees excluded from payment complain on Twitter


Caracas.- Employees of the public administration who were not included as beneficiaries of the most recent bond granted by the government of Nicholas Madurothe highest to date, by an amount of 460 bolivars, equivalent to about 100 dollarsexpressed their discontent on the social network Twitter.

The Co-responsibility and Training bonusaimed at workers of the state hydrocarbons company Pdvsa and the National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec), is the highest allocation recently paid by the Maduro government through the homeland system.

Until before the payment of the Co-responsibility and Training bonusthe assignment with the highest amount was the one corresponding to Food and Transportation voucherby 46 bolívares, aimed at teaching, administrative and public administration workers, including retirees.

Before the recent payment of the bonus, public employees complained in the comments of the Twitter account Social Protection Bonds to the Peoplewhich disseminates information on transfers of government allocations.

“What about us, governors and mayors? It is not enough that they pay PDVSA in petros, also the best bonds. For us Bs. and beautiful. Where the equality and justice of the Constitution and the Labor Law? ”, reads one of the comments.

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“That bonus falls to ‘some’ chosen by the management more than 2 years ago, the union has fought so that the rest of the workers, like 70%, are left out, at least in #BaraltZulia it is so Human talent and top management have knowledge and nothing! We only get the 46 and 15″, another user highlighted in the comments of the account’s publication Social Protection Bonds to the People.

«This bonus was only for some workers, I am from PDVSA and nothing fell for me. When they publish a bonus, specify to whom it will be assigned because they cause more discontent in the worker”, commented an employee of the state hydrocarbons company.

The payment of the new bonus granted by the Maduro government occurs in a context in which comprehensive minimum wage It remains in 7 bolivars more 3 bolivars the basketticket after the decreed increase in May 2021the latest increase announced.

“My fortnight was yesterday 12 bolivars with food tickets, I work in a notary’s office, we depend on the Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries (Saren) how about equality,” commented another user on Twitter.

The cost of the food basket in January was $365according to the calculations of Venezuelan Finance Observatory (OVF). The minimum wage and pensions do not cover even 1% of the cost of the basic food basket.

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