Joining the Prabowo-Gibran Government, Surya Paloh wants the nation to progress – 2024-04-27 21:56:39

Surya Paloh and Prabowo Subianto in Kertanegara, Jakarta, April 25 2024. (Dok.

CHAIRMAN of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, revealed the reasons for choosing to join the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government. Surya Paloh emphasized that the decision was for the benefit of Indonesia.

“One thing, give us the opportunity and trust that we both want this nation to progress,” said Surya Paloh after meeting Prabowo on Jalan Kertanegara Number 4, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 25 2024.

Surya Paloh said that this decision did not just happen. There was a long process before Surya Paloh decided to join the new government.

“To be honest, I was contemplating about it and it was a process of contemplation that I carried out for quite a long time,” he said.

Surya Paloh ensured that this decision was based on honesty and rationality. This includes listening to encouragement, desires and a spirit of collaboration to work together in government.

“You can be in opposition at any time, but working together to help the government also requires spirit and sincerity,” he explained.

Surya Paloh also prioritizes objectivity, reason and critical thinking. All these considerations made Surya Paloh confident in choosing to join the new government.


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