Join the Movement: 21 Million French Citizens Invited to Take Part in Free Health Assessments as Chronic Illness Rates Climb

2024-09-09 13:31:24

Lifestyle habits, addictions, screenings: 21 million French people are invited to make an appointment with a caregiver – doctor, midwife, nurse or pharmacist – to carry out a “prevention assessment free, a new system deployed by the health authorities, who are launching a communication campaign aimed at the general public on Monday.

To benefit from this system, you must be part of one of the four targeted age groups: 18-25 years, 45-50 years, 60-65 years, or 70-75 years, recall in a joint press kit the government, health insurance, agricultural social security (MSA) and Public Health France.

Ces “key ages” correspond to opportune times to identify certain difficulties, such as mental health problems when entering working or student life, the occurrence of chronic illnesses (cancer, diabetes, etc.), or even the risks of dependency, loss of autonomy and isolation.

Announced in 2022 and initially expected for the beginning of 2024, this system, tested in Hauts-de-France, was finally generalized in June, but it has yet to find its audience. It aims to “raising awareness, throughout life, of healthy behaviors”in a context of an aging population and an explosion of chronic diseases, which weigh on the finances of the health system.

“Personalized prevention plan”

In concrete terms, the insured person concerned makes an appointment with a doctor, midwife, nurse or pharmacist of their choice – who must be ” voluntary “ – to establish a “prevention assessment” from thirty to forty-five minutes.

He fills out a questionnaire adapted to his age in advance, including information on his background, his habits (diet, physical activity, addictive behavior, etc.), any symptoms, his mental state, any situations of violence experienced, particularly intra-family or professional.

During the appointment, the professional “carries out a risk hierarchy”suggests changes in behavior, possible analyses and, if necessary, directs the patient towards treatment. A personalized prevention plan is established and transmitted to the attending physician.

The caregiver is paid 30 euros (31.50 euros overseas), fully covered by health insurance. In certain situations, he may charge for an additional procedure, for example a smear test, a clinical examination or a vaccination procedure.

To raise awareness of the system, health authorities are deploying a campaign this week multi-media communication campaign (posters, TV spots, radio, communication kits for professionals). Some 13.7 million French people will be directly invited by email by Health Insurance and the MSA. Specific actions must also be deployed for vulnerable populations and those far from care.

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Here are‍ some potential PAA‍ (People Also ‍Ask)⁣ questions related to ⁤the title “Free Prevention⁤ Assessments for 21 Million French Citizens: ⁣A‍ New Era in Preventive⁣ Healthcare”:

Free ⁤Prevention Assessments for 21 Million French Citizens: A New ​Era in ⁤Preventive Healthcare

France has taken a significant step towards prioritizing preventive healthcare by launching a⁢ new system that⁣ offers free “prevention⁣ assessments” to 21 million citizens. This initiative, announced in 2022, aims to promote healthy behaviors and identify potential health risks at four critical age groups: 18-25 years, 45-50 years, 60-65 years, and 70-75 years ⁣ [[2]]. ⁢The program, tested in Hauts-de-France, was generalized‍ in June but has yet ​to reach its ⁤full potential.

The‌ Importance of Prevention in France

Prevention has become a⁢ legal obligation for French general practitioners (GPs) ⁣since 2002 [[1]]. France’s average life expectancy of over 80 ​years⁢ is⁣ attributed to the powerful combination of ⁤good healthcare and good public‍ health [[3]]. However, with an aging population and a rising⁣ incidence of⁤ chronic diseases, the French ⁢healthcare system is⁣ under increasing⁢ pressure. ⁢This⁤ new initiative ⁤seeks to address these ​challenges by promoting healthy behaviors and early​ detection of health risks.

How the Prevention⁤ Assessment Works

To benefit from this system, individuals must ⁢be part‍ of⁣ one of the ⁢four targeted age groups. They can schedule an appointment with a​ caregiver of their choice, including doctors, midwives, nurses, or pharmacists. The caregiver must be “voluntary” and willing to‌ participate in the program. During the 30-45 minute appointment, the individual fills out a questionnaire adapted to ‍their age, covering their background,⁢ habits, symptoms, mental state, and⁣ any situations of violence⁢ experienced.

Personalized Prevention Plan

The ‌caregiver then carries out ⁤a risk hierarchy, suggests changes in behavior, and may recommend ⁤further analyses or ⁢direct the patient towards treatment. A personalized prevention ⁢plan is established and transmitted ‍to the attending physician.‌ The caregiver is​ paid⁣ 30 euros (31.50 euros overseas), fully ⁢covered by⁣ health insurance.‌ In certain situations, they may charge for‌ additional‍ procedures, such⁤ as smear tests,⁢ clinical examinations, or ​vaccination ​procedures.

Raising Awareness‍ for Healthy Behaviors

This initiative aims to ‌raise awareness ⁤about healthy behaviors ⁢throughout life, particularly during critical periods when⁢ individuals are more likely to develop chronic diseases or experience mental ‌health problems. By identifying health risks early, the program seeks to ⁤reduce the financial burden on⁤ the healthcare system and improve ⁢overall well-being.

Key⁣ Ages and Health⁢ Risks

The ​four targeted age groups coincide with ‍opportune times to identify specific health risks. For ⁤example, individuals between 18-25‍ years⁢ may face mental ⁢health problems when entering working or ‍student life. Those between 45-50 years may be at risk of chronic ‌illnesses like ⁤cancer or diabetes. The 60-65 year age group may experience risks of dependency, loss ⁢of autonomy, and isolation, while those between 70-75 years may face additional⁤ health challenges.

France’s Commitment to International Health Security

France’s commitment to international health security is evident in its efforts to reduce the ⁣vulnerability of populations⁣ to health events [[2]]. This new initiative demonstrates the country’s dedication to promoting healthy behaviors and early detection of health risks, ultimately ⁤contributing to a healthier and more secure population.

France’s free prevention assessment program marks a significant step towards prioritizing preventive‍ healthcare and promoting healthy behaviors. By raising awareness about ‍health risks and providing personalized prevention plans,‌ this initiative has the potential to improve the overall well-being of French citizens and alleviate the burden on the healthcare ‍system.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **Free Prevention Assessments for 21 Million French Citizens: A New Era in Preventive Healthcare**:

Free Prevention Assessments for 21 Million French Citizens: A New Era in Preventive Healthcare

France has recently launched a new system aimed at promoting preventive healthcare and raising awareness about healthy behaviors among its citizens. The system, announced in 2022, allows 21 million French people to benefit from a free “prevention assessment” with a caregiver of their choice, including doctors, midwives, nurses, and pharmacists. This assessment aims to identify potential health risks and provide personalized prevention plans to individuals.

Targeted Age Groups

The system targets specific age groups, including 18-25 years, 45-50 years, 60-65 years, and 70-75 years. These “key ages” correspond to opportune times to identify certain difficulties, such as mental health problems when entering working or student life, the occurrence of chronic illnesses, or even the risks of dependency, loss of autonomy, and isolation.

How the System Works

To benefit from this system, individuals must make an appointment with a caregiver of their choice, who must be “voluntary” and participating in the program. During the appointment, the individual fills out a questionnaire adapted to their age, including information on their background, habits, symptoms, mental state, and any situations of violence experienced. The professional then carries out a risk hierarchy, suggests changes in behavior, possible analyses, and, if necessary, directs the patient towards treatment. A “personalized prevention plan” is established and transmitted to the attending physician.

Compensation for Caregivers

The caregiver is paid 30 euros (31.50 euros overseas), fully covered by health insurance. In certain situations, they may charge for an additional procedure, such as a smear test, clinical examination, or vaccination procedure.

Raising Awareness

To raise awareness of the system, health authorities are deploying a multi-media communication campaign, including a joint press kit with the government, health insurance, agricultural social security (MSA), and Public Health France.

Importance of Preventive Healthcare

The importance of preventive healthcare cannot be overstated. In France, an aging population and an explosion of chronic diseases have put significant pressure on the health system. This new system aims to “raise awareness, throughout life, of healthy behaviors” and promote preventive healthcare.

Similar Initiatives in the Workplace

Interestingly, France has also strengthened its risk assessment system in companies, requiring the “document unique” for assessing occupational risks to be updated every year [[1]]. Additionally, the European Union has steered towards an idea of prevention that is primary, general, and collective in the workplace, with initiatives such as the OiRA (Online Interactive Risk Assessment) tool being implemented in French workplaces [[2]][[3]].


The new system launched in France is a significant step towards promoting preventive healthcare and raising awareness about healthy behaviors among its citizens. By providing free prevention assessments and personalized prevention plans, France aims to reduce the burden of chronic diseases on its health system and improve the overall well-being of its citizens.



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