Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: psychologist declares that the actress suffers from personality disorders

A psychologist hired by the lawyers of Johnny Depp declared on Tuesday that Amber Heard suffers from personality disorders, during the trial that takes place near Washington as a result of the defamation lawsuit filed by the actor against his ex-wife.

Shannon Curry, a clinical and forensic psychologist, claimed to have personally examined Heard’s mental health for 12 hours over two days in December 2021.

Curry estimated that the 36-year-old actress, who starred in the movie “Aquaman,” has borderline personality disorder (borderline) and a histrionic disorder.

“He got results consistent with these diagnoses,” Curry said.

The lawyers of Amber Heard attempted to discredit Curry’s testimony during cross-examination, noting that Depp’s lawyers had hired her to testify on his behalf.

“If I didn’t find something favorable to Depp and negative to Heard, would I be an expert in this case?” asked Elaine Bredehoft, Heard’s lawyer.

“I represent science regardless of what that science is,” Curry replied.

Amber Heard’s Diagnosis

The psychologist said some of the main features of borderline personality disorder include “a lot of inner anger and hostility,” a tendency to be “moralistic” and “fluctuating moods.”

“They can react violently, they can react physically,” he said. “They will often be abusive to their partners.” “It’s almost a performance.”

Curry, who has experience with US war veterans, said that in his opinion, Amber Heard did not suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of a suspected domestic assault.

According to the specialist, Heard had “vastly exaggerated” her symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in a test she had, she said.

Johnny Depp58, has denied physically assaulting Amber Heard and has stated that it was she who was violent with him.

“Failed Actor”

Also testifying Tuesday was Tara Roberts, who for the past 15 years has managed a private island in the Bahamas owned by Johnny Depp.

Depp’s lawyers asked him to recount the details of an argument the couple had on the island one night. “Amber would tell her that she was a failed actor,” Roberts said. That he “was going to die like an old man alone.”

Roberts recounts Heard yelling at Depp, grabbing him and trying to drag him back home.

The witness says she was “worried” about what might happen and took Depp to a cafe on the island and applied ice to an injured nose.

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In 2020, Johnny Depp he lost a libel suit in London against The Sun tabloid, which had called him a “wife beater”.

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard: The reasons for the lawsuit

Johnny Depp filed suit for defamation after Amber Heard write a column for The Washington Post in December 2018 describing himself as a “public figure representing domestic abuse.”

The actress never named Depp but he sued her for implying he was an aggressor and is asking for $50 million in damages.

Heard responded by filing a lawsuit claiming double, $100 million, and alleging she suffered “unbridled physical violence and abuse” at his hands.

Depp, a three-time Oscar nominee, and Heard met in 2009 on the set of the movie “The Rum Diary” and married in February 2015. They divorced two years later.

The lawyers of Amber Heard have alleged that Johnny Depp he became a physically and sexually abusive “monster” when drunk or high, and his drug and alcohol use was highly insistent during the three days of cross-examination on the witness stand.

(With information from AFP)


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