John Catsimatidis: A miraculous journey from rags to riches

Father Alexandros Karloutsos performed the wedding.

Born in Nisyro on September 7, 1948, he became an immigrant from the cradle as his parents found themselves in the United States when he was six months old and spent his early years in the slums of Harlem. But his entrepreneurial spirit, hard work and methodicality brought him to the list of the richest people in the United States, with his fortune reaching 4.5 billion dollars, after a fictional journey. At his side in the Manhattan offices of his group in recent years has been the successor to his empire, his 30-year-old son, John Katsimatidis Jr., who dressed as a groom last Saturday.

John with his life partner, Margo Katsimatidis.

She was baptized a Christian

An emotional expatriate businessman stood at the Holy Trinity Church on 74th Street in New York to witness the wedding of his son to his sweetheart, Megan Fitzpatrick, with his life partner, Margo, by his side. The Mystery was performed by the godfather of the groom and a close friend of the family, Father Alexandros Karloutsos. In his church in the Hamptons, the bride – of Irish-Italian origin – had recently been baptized an Orthodox Christian and had taken the name Magdalene, so that she could be married with the Orthodox ritual. The atmosphere in the temple was particularly oppressive, with the ceremony being heard in Greek and English, accompanied by a choir in the vestibule. The approximately 250 guests then moved to the Pierre Hotel on Manhattan’s famous 5th Avenue for the wedding party. John and Margo Katsimatidi were excited for another reason, as 36 years ago they had been married in the same church by the same priest and had their wedding reception in the same hotel.

John Catsimatidis dances with his daughter, Adrianne.

Wedding party with Pario

First the guests found themselves in the welcome room, where three buffets were set up with pasta, shellfish, seafood and Chinese flavors, while the cocktails flowed abundantly. They then proceeded to the dining room, where they were impressed by the elaborate decoration. Entire flowering trees emerged from the rotundas that flanked the couple’s table. Next to the newlyweds sat only the groomsmen and bridesmaids, including the groom’s sister, Andria Katsimatidis, while their parents sat at adjacent tables, all decorated with white roses, hydrangeas and orchids.

The couple cuts the wedding cake.

The couple made a spectacular entrance with their dance figures, but the fun took off when the first Greek songs were heard. The Katsimatidis family danced to island rhythms with the voice of Yiannis Parios, seducing all the guests in a huge circle shouting “Opa” and throwing flowers. At dawn the guests changed rooms again, to find themselves in another one that had been turned into a club with loud music and dancers dressed as robots. Among the guests at the wedding were the wealthy businessmen Michael Psarros, Yiannis Pagiavlas and Denis Mill, the commander of the Order of the Lords, Antonis Lymberakis, and the executive vice president of the Katsimatidis Group, Eftychia Pylarinou.

“Wells” for the elections

A close friend and supporter of Donald Trump, John Catsimatidis was one of the former president’s co-defendants at a 15-person dinner the difficult night after his guilty verdict in the Stormy Daniels case. At his son’s wedding, he avoided political discussions, but at every opportunity he emphasized that a Trump victory would be for America’s benefit. Many of the guests, however, agreed that at the given time the best chances are with Kamala Harris to be the next occupant of the White House. Bitterly, in fact, one of the businessmen commented: “Start teaching your children Chinese”, meaning that with Harris as president, America will cease to be a superpower. “Trump would be an ideal solution for America if he could be measured and keep his mouth shut. But it can’t,” added the same guest who is active in the construction sector. But one of the other billionaires who was at the wedding reception and has actually supported the Democratic Party with large sums, pointed out that the US “doesn’t need a president as unpredictable as Donald Trump”.


Groceries, fuel, real estate, energy and media

When John Katsimatidis was a student, he went to school in the morning and worked at a small grocery store in the evening to help his parents pay the bills. He then began studying at New York University, but shortly before graduation he decided to go full-time in the grocery store, buying half from its owner. That grocer became the Red Apple Group, a multi-layered empire in grocery, fuel, energy, real estate, aviation, sports, entertainment and media, including radio station WABC, on which it presents its own broadcasts with leading personalities of politics, economy and business.

The reception hall was decorated with full flowering trees.


In the autobiography entitled “How far do you want to go? Lessons from a Common – Sense Billionaire” (“How far do you want to go? Lessons from a self-made billionaire”), John Catsimatidis gives business success tips by describing his incredible “rags to riches” story, as he characteristically writes. In the meantime, he visits Greece every chance he gets, like last summer when he flew to Kos with his family on his private plane and then enjoyed their vacation in the Aegean by yacht.

Now the family is ready to welcome the new generation, as the newlyweds are expecting their first child, who is a boy and will also be named John Katsimatidis. With the wisdom he gained along the way and the enthusiasm of a young child for each of his beginnings, the Greek-American croisos continues his moves on the business chessboard seeming to have the Midas touch. After all, as he explains in his book, the “american dream” doesn’t come with an instruction manual or a sign telling you when you’ll reach the finish line.

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#John #Catsimatidis #miraculous #journey #rags #riches



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