Johan Falk sequel released in September | MovieZine

The end was just the beginning. This autumn, Anders Nilsson’s book series continues with “The Dead and the Living”.

The filmmaker and writer Anders Nilsson lets the keyboard work hard. Last autumn came the first Johan Falk book “The end was just the beginning”, which continued the film series nine years later. Earlier this week he released the new novel “Spies Wars” to start a completely different book series.

And now it’s clear: Johan Falk’s next assignment lands in bookstores already this fall. The second book is called “Johan Falk – The dead and the living” and will be released on September 30.

So what can fans expect, apart from the return of Falk and favorite villain Seth Rydell?

– More excitement. More action. And we go even deeper into the lives and life-threatening problems of our protagonists, Anders Nilsson tells MovieZine in a text message.

That’s what “Johan Falk – The dead and the living” should be regarding

The man who is missing two fingers on his right hand is getting ready to start his car and once once more leave Gothenburg where he has lived and worked for so long. The town where his family lives their lives, without him, unaware of the whole truth.

Detective Inspector Johan Falk is dead. Officially, that is. A few know that he is still alive, even fewer that he is back in Gothenburg. One who suspects it is old gangster and informant Seth Rydell.

And just then, when Johan has just put the key in the ignition and is regarding to turn it over, Seth contacts him. In complete panic. All of Seth’s dreams of being able to leave the gangster life behind are now just an itchy trigger finger away from completely going up in smoke.

Johan Falk is the only one who can save him – dead or alive.



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