Joe Biden’s Response to the Maui Fires: Presidential Visit and Aid Promises

2023-08-22 20:58:00

US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden take part in a remembrance ceremony with Lahaina elders in Moku’ula on August 21, 2023 (Photo credit: Mandel NGAN / AFP)

US President Joe Biden, interrupting his vacation in Nevada, landed shortly following 11 a.m. local time in Maui, an island in the Pacific archipelago, where the town of Lahaina was ravaged by fires two weeks ago.

Joe Biden, who has made compassion his great political marker to the point of being described as the ” chief comforter of America, had been criticized by the Republican opposition for not having spoken sufficiently publicly regarding the disaster, in particular when the balance sheet increased considerably a week ago.

« It’s not clear that Biden will get a warm reception from some groups in Maui “, had warned the Star Advertiser, a newspaper of Honolulu.

« The President has been there from day one, to lead a response that involves the entire federal government Added Olivia Dalton, in response to some criticism from the Republican opposition.

Republicans have widely shared images on social media dating back a week. Joe Biden, relaxed, returning from the beach, is questioned by a journalist on the increasingly heavy toll of the fires. ” No comment “, he says only before getting into the car.

The American president has since multiplied press releases and promises of aid. The White House also emphasizes that it took barely an hour to declare, on August 10, a state of major natural disaster in Hawaii, at the request of local authorities. The Democrat will also appoint a federal coordinator for the reconstruction work, which promises to be titanic.

A thousand people have not yet been located, some of whom might add to the death toll.

Presidential picture

Faced with the feeling of abandonment that rumbles, Joe Biden puts his image into play. If these visits to the population are a must following a disaster, they can prove harmful to the presidential image.

A photo of President George W. Bush flying over Louisiana without landing there following Hurricane Katrina in 2005 had become a symbol of a disconnected administration. Donald Trump was filmed casually tossing paper towel rolls during a visit to Puerto Rico following a hurricane in 2017.

The Hawaii fire is the deadliest in over a century in the United States. The final balance sheet might be much heavier.

#Joe #Biden #bereaved #bitter #population #Maui #TNTV #Tahiti #Nui #Télévision



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