Joe Biden, with rare virulence, denounces Trump’s “extremism”

At a meeting in Philadelphia, Joe Biden denounced the “extremism” of Donald Trump and his supporters on Thursday. In his speech at the foot of Independence Hall, he criticized the former president for shaking the “foundations” of American democracy.

The former president and those who subscribe to his “Make America Great Again” ideology, “did not respect the Constitution. They don’t believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people,” hammered the Democratic president.

The White House, which had promised a “major” speech on the “soul” of America, did not skimp on the scenography.

Joe Biden spoke at the foot of “Independence Hall”, where the Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution were adopted. Behind him, on a wall partly lit in blood red, stood the motionless silhouettes of two soldiers in full dress.

Donald Trump, in an enigmatic reaction, posted on his Truth social network an image of Joe Biden brandishing both fists in this striking setting, flanking it with a photo of himself kissing an American flag.

The Democrat, who had held his first meeting as a presidential candidate in Philadelphia, knows well that the state where the city is located, Pennsylvania, may hold the key to the November legislative elections. And therefore the rest of his mandate.

The leader of the Democrats wanted to dramatize this election, traditionally unfavorable to the party that holds the White House, to make it nothing more or less than a referendum on Donald Trump and his ideas. Representatives of the radical right “applaud the anger. They feed on chaos. They do not live in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies,” chanted the 79-year-old president once more.

« Fuck Joe Biden »

Joe Biden had already sung during his campaign the refrain on the “battle” to be waged for “the soul of America”, but on a softer tune: that of reconciliation and calls for unity.

For a long time, this former senator, a veteran of politics, sang of the virtues of cooperation with Republicans of good will. Thursday evening, the tone changed markedly.

“Not all Republicans adhere to this extreme ideology”, he certainly admitted, but to better shoot this arrow followingwards: “There is no doubt that the Republican Party today is dominated, trained and bullied by Donald Trump” and his supporters.

Denouncing the billionaire’s persistent and unfounded attacks on the validity of the 2024 election, Joe Biden said: “You can’t love your country only when you win”.

When during his speech, a group of opponents gathered nearby launched in chorus “Fuck Joe Biden”, he retorted: “They have the right to be indignant. It is democracy. “By not however resisting the temptation of a spade:” They have never been stifled by good manners. »


According to a poll published Thursday by the Wall Street Journal, if the midterm legislative elections were held today, 47% of voters would vote Democrat, and 44% Republican.

The right still had a 5-point lead in March. The Democrats begin to dream of a feat during this election which renews the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. Opinion polls are not infallible and, in American political life, two months is an eternity.

But the political debate has shifted since the beginning of the summer, abandoning economic subjects to come to the field of the right to abortion, societal achievements, concerns regarding democracy – all promising themes for the Democrats. .

In their first reactions Thursday, Republicans accused Joe Biden of stoking divisions and tried to return to issues that are more favorable to them.



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