Job Opening for Legal Experts at Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Focus on Digital Trade and AI Governance

Recruitment of Short-term Contract Staff for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Economic Bureau, Service Trade Division (including negotiations on the WTO e-commerce agreement and areas such as digital trade and AI governance)) | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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July 24, 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking to recruit legal experts with the desire to actively engage with the legal aspects of the digital trade sector, including negotiations on the WTO e-commerce agreement, service trade negotiations under free trade agreements/economic partnership agreements (FTA/EPA), and AI international governance. The recruitment is for a specific term of two years, based on selection procedures outlined below.

1. Employment Period

From October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2026 (tentative)

2. Job Description

Utilizing legal expertise as a lawyer, the role includes verifying consistency with international commitments made by Japan in negotiations related to digital trade (including the WTO e-commerce agreement) and service trade; researching relevant information; conducting legal analysis; formulating and executing negotiation policies; preparing records of negotiations; and other related tasks. For AI international governance, the role includes reviewing legal aspects and formulating and executing negotiation policies, as well as preparing negotiation records.

3. Compensation

You will be employed as a regular national public servant, and once hired as the responsible officer for the above duties, you will work at the Service Trade Division of the Economic Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) throughout the employment period. Salary and allowances will be determined based on the provisions of the “Law on Special Provisions for Recruitment and Salary of General Service Contract Staff” or the “Law on Salaries of General Service Staff,” taking into consideration each individual’s previous experience.

5. Eligibility Requirements

  • (1) Must have graduated from a university or have equivalent education.
  • (2) Must possess a Japanese bar exam qualification (preferably with at least three years of practical experience as a lawyer).
  • (3) Preferably have experience in the field of digital trade negotiations (including WTO e-commerce agreement negotiations), agreements in service trade (WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services, service trade chapter of EPAs, and investment-related agreements), international trade law, domestic legal regulations concerning the digital economy and data distribution.
  • (4) Must have necessary English proficiency for practical use.
  • (5) Must be able to work continuously throughout the employment period.
  • (6) Must possess Japanese nationality and not hold any foreign nationality.

6. Application Deadline and Mailing Address for Applications (see 7 below)

(1) Deadline:
Open until filled (applications will close once a decision is made)
(2) Mailing Address:
〒100-8919, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Service Trade Division, Economic Bureau
(Note) When mailing, clearly write “Recruitment for Short-term Contract Staff (WTO e-commerce and service trade sectors)” in red on the envelope, and ensure it is sent as registered mail.

7. Application Documents

  • (1) One copy of your resume (sample format (Excel)/(PDFOpens in a new window): commercially available JIS standard resumes are acceptable)
    (Make sure to include your email address and contact information such as a Japanese address if you reside overseas. List all educational and employment history since graduating from high school on a monthly basis. Additionally, if you have taken various language proficiency tests such as Eiken, TOEFL, TOEIC, include the date of exam and results/score on your resume. Submission of a work history is optional but is preferred.)
  • (2) Graduation (completion) certificate, etc. (from university or graduate school. A document that states the date of enrollment and graduation.)
  • (3) One copy of the family registry (to be issued within three months prior)
  • (4) A copy of research outcomes, written papers, etc., if available.
  • (Note 1) For the documents in (2) and (3) above, if you cannot acquire them by the application deadline, please specify this at the time of application. If you pass the first screening, please bring them on the date of the second screening.
  • (Note 2) The family registry is required to confirm the absence of any foreign nationality for the applicant; however, if a candidate who is offered employment cannot confirm this solely with the family registry, additional documents relating to nationality may be requested.
  • (Note 3) Application documents submitted will not be returned.

8. Selection Method

The selection will consist of a first screening (document review) and a second screening (interview). (The second screening may be conducted online depending on circumstances.)
The first screening results will only be notified to successful candidates, while all candidates who take the second screening will be notified of the results (recruitment results). (Note: A language test may be conducted at the second screening to assess language proficiency.)

9. Notes

  • (1) Individuals falling under any of the following cannot apply for this recruitment.
    • A. Those who do not possess Japanese nationality or possess foreign nationality.
    • B. Those who have been sentenced to imprisonment or a greater penalty and are still serving that sentence or are under probation until completion of the sentence.
    • C. Those who have been dismissed from their position as a national public servant in a general service role and it has not yet been two years since the day of that disciplinary action.
    • D. Those who have founded or joined a political party or organization that advocates for the violent overthrow of the Japanese Constitution or its established government.
    • E. Those who have been declared partially incapable under the provisions of civil law prior to the 1999 amendment (excluding those due to mental incapacity).
  • (2) If ultimately selected as a candidate for recruitment, those currently employed must resign from their current position upon hiring (regulations concerning dual employment applying based on the National Public Service Act).
  • (3) Candidates selected for recruitment must undergo a health examination (to be conducted at their own cost at a medical institution of their choice) (the offer may be rescinded based on the results of the health examination).

10. Contact Information

〒100-8919, 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Service Trade Division (Attn: Murakami)
Phone: 03-5501-8000 (Extension 5451)



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