Job Creation Law Expected to Increase Employment Opportunities – 2024-07-06 01:52:58

Job Creation Law Task Force holds discussion with Pancasila Study Center and UGM Professors (Doc)

The Task Force for Accelerating the Socialization of the Job Creation Law held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with Professors from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with the topic “Internalization of Pancasila Values ​​in Socially Just Employment and Entrepreneurship Policies”.

Secretary of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Socialization of the Job Creation Law, Arif Budimanta, through a statement received today, explained that the main objective of the formation of the Job Creation Law is structural reform by simplifying all business licensing processes.

“It is hoped that the Job Creation Law will become an instrument or engine for social change in Indonesia, especially changes in the way of working,” said Arif, quoted Friday (5/7).

An example of this change in working methods, according to Arif, is the difference in how people respond to every economic activity carried out, resulting in various conveniences in entrepreneurship and investment.

“In the end, all the facilities provided and arranged in the Job Creation Act can have an effect on the creation of the greatest number of jobs,” he said.

Arif hopes that the existence of discussion forums with professors and experts using evidence-based methods can accelerate the process of socialization and implementation of the Job Creation Law in the life of the nation and state.

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In addition, the Head of the Strategy and Socialization Working Group of the Job Creation Law Task Force, Dimas Oky Nugroho, emphasized the need for a good and solid institutional design so that it can implement the principles and values ​​of Pancasila as well as the spirit from within.

“There needs to be a strong systemic approach in the current fluctuating political conditions, so that it can provide a positive and sustainable impact on national life,” said Dimas.

Dimas also highlighted that the policies in the Job Creation Law must be able to answer actual problems, especially regarding the unemployment rate of the younger generation.

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“This is important, how the Job Creation Law can ensure Job Creation by paying attention to worker welfare, so that no company has abusive power,” said Dimas.

Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Board of Professors of Gadjah Mada University, Baiquni, highlighted three things related to the Job Creation Law and Pancasila values, namely internalization of Pancasila values, institutionalization, and implementation of the Job Creation Law.

“The process of internalizing Pancasila values ​​in the Job Creation Law is not easy, because these values ​​need to provide meaning to life,” said Baiquni.

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According to Baiquni, it is necessary to voice values ​​to the wider community which can be done through education. In addition, Baiquni also highlighted the need for alignment and integration of bureaucratic policies between ministries.

“If we look at the field, often the import policy is carried out when farmers are harvesting. In fact, the central government can implement a policy of reducing or eliminating imports during the harvest season,” said Baiquni.

According to Baiquni, this import policy will actually make MSMEs vulnerable and make it difficult for them to compete in the free market.

“The board of professors at UGM agreed that there needs to be a balance between imported products and products produced domestically,” he stressed.

Furthermore, Baiquni also gave advice to the Job Creation Law Task Force to carry out synergy at the grassroots level, in order to create an independent community in entrepreneurship because they are the ones who have quite high local wisdom potential.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Pancasila Study Center, Agus Wahyudi, stated that the important thing regarding every law, including the Job Creation Law, must have the principle of social justice.

“Like when the government formulated the Job Creation Law, the Employment Law, and its derivative regulations, it must produce policies that will provide justice for workers,” said Agus.

So, according to Agus, there are no more issues out there that have a narrative that the Job Creation Law does not side with workers.

Responding to this, the Sub-Coordinator for the Empowerment of Workers’ Organizations at the Ministry of Manpower, Oloan Nadeak, said that the Decree of the Minister of Manpower No. 76 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Pancasila Industrial Relations has been regulated regarding the ideal and dynamic relationship between workers and companies.

“There are no restrictions on trade unions in the company, so workers are free to form unions, we do not prohibit this at all,” Oloan explained.

Furthermore, Oloan explained that the government encourages dynamic, harmonious, and fair industrial relations and ensures business continuity in companies based on the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

“Hopefully, the employment system in Indonesia will improve and experience dynamics to fight for basic rights, especially among workers,” said Oloan in his presentation session.

The FGD was attended by 35 participants from among representatives of the UGM Board of Professors, UGM Experts, and academics from various universities in Yogyakarta. (Z-8)

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