Job creation and social welfare in the first year of the administration

In the first year of the Baja California Sur administration, in terms of job creation, they served 12 thousand 626 people but only 33% got a job, with the state job market of 6 thousand 116 South Californians, the 46% found a formal job, and six job fairs were held in which almost 23% obtained an opportunity; This was made known by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare (STBS), Omar Zavala Agúndez, during the Citizen Meeting of the first year of work for the Governor of the State.

He also reported that they allocated 2 million pesos to promote self-employment in the five municipalities of the state; In compliance with the labor reform of 2019, they installed Labor Conciliation Centers to resolve conflicts, for which they allocated more than 9.6 million pesos and as a result reached 2,079 arrangements.

Regarding social welfare issues, 3 million 114 thousand pesos were allocated for the purchase of six thousand food pantries; He highlighted that in coordination with the Federal Welfare Secretariat, they invested a budget resource for a total of 78,489 pesos in equal parts, in support of people with disabilities.

Because 5.4% of the South Californian population identifies as part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and more (LGBTQ+) community, they established the General Directorate for Inclusion. Similarly, Zavala Agúndez added that they also created the Directorate of Indigenous and Afro-Mexican Peoples for their comprehensive protection.

Regarding electrification, they invested 3 million 800 thousand pesos in the expansion of new distribution networks in two neighborhoods of Mulegé, Villa Alberto Albardo and Paraíso II, in addition they signed an agreement with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and municipalities to expand the number of energy networks that currently exist throughout the state, there they will invest more than 16 million pesos.

Finally, he commented that some towns in Loreto, Comondú and Mulegé now have the service, emphasizing the “El dátil” fishing field.



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