Joaquín Ramírez on the seizure of his assets: “It is a somewhat abusive decision” (VIDEO)

The mayor of Cajamarca, former congressman and financier of Keiko Fujimori’s campaign, described as “somewhat abusive” a judge’s decision to seize more than 200 real estate related to him and others, linked to the Alas Peruanas University.

“We are calm because we continue working; Which owes nothing fears nothing. We have an extraordinary and faultless business journey ”said the politician, at the end of the exhibition for the 100 days of his management as mayor of the capital of Cajamarca.
For him, the intervention was abusive, because neither he nor his family have ever been summoned or requested information, when they have always collaborated with justice, ensuring that this intervention took his family by surprise.
He pointed out that the one who will have to answer is the Alas Peruanas University through its directors, adding that it is a solid company that grew a lot when his father’s brother was rector. “All my life I have put myself straight, I will continue to do it, they have not asked me, but I will do it anyway. In due time I will go ”he declared to the Cajamarca media.
He also assured that the university will continue with its own life, on the way to achieve a degree, which at first was denied to him by the National Superintendence of Higher Education – SUNEDU, clarifying that he is no longer part of this house of studies, since he is dedicated “24/7” to his duties as mayor.
“The managers and members of the board of directors will have to attend the call of the authorities, if they require it. Because for the moment they have only been interventions on real estate and nothing else” said Ramírez Gamarra.
When asked if the seizure of assets for more than a billion soles in assets leads him to bankruptcy, he replied: “We are made of steel, so we continue to work with companies, the company has its own life, the real estate is part of the company assets, part, it is only part, it is not all” he concluded.

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