Joaquín López Dóriga reveals that his WhatsApp was hacked: ‘I was so stupid!’


Journalist Joaquín López Dóriga announced through his newscast on Fórmula that his WhatsApp was hacked.

Joaquin Lopez Doriga in the news/WhatsApp Logo Photo: Special

Mexico City, Mexico.- The journalist Joaquin Lopez Dorigaannounced through its newscast in Formula who suffered a hacking your whatsappso he let people who have his phone number know that if they receive a message from him, they should ignore it.

El ‘Teacher’ He acknowledged that this was entirely his fault, since he ‘became stupid’ and that the messages that come from your cell phone are to request that deposits be made to bank accounts HSBC and Santander and that even, already There are people who have made transfers to the account provided.

If you get a WhatsApp from me, don’t pay attention to it, don’t give them anything. And yes, it’s my fault, my fault, my very serious fault, and yes, I was stupid! Yes, I’m not even telling stories.

Joaquin Lopez Doriga,


After that Joaquin When he revealed the situation of what happened, a large number of people expressed their solidarity through various comments, where they let him know that it is something that is extremely common to fall into, since currently they can be carried out hacks in an easy way just by sending a link through any application like WhatsApp.

What is a hack?

And hacking Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, devices or data. This access can be carried out by people, known as hackers, who use various techniques and tools to breach the security of a system for different purposes. Depending on the intention, a hacking It can be malicious, ethical, or simply exploratory.

Some hacks They are usually carried out with the aim of extracting confidential information from a person or company, in this way, whoever does it can use the data to carry out extortion or blackmail.

In addition, a hacking It can render systems and services unusable, affecting business and personal operations, and companies and individuals may suffer financial losses due to theft of funds, legal claims, or costs of repairing and recovering their data.

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