JO/Paris 2024: “I am very calm and nothing scares me because I do not see an opponent who will scare me” (Arnold Kisoka)

Congolese judoka Arnold Kisoka will compete this Saturday, July 27, in the under 60 kg category. It will be at the Arena Paris Sud located in the 15th arrondissement of the French capital.

The Kinshasa native is confident despite a preparation that was not very successful for all the athletes of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). But, on the other hand, benefited from a short training course of a few days in Paris taking advantage of the fact that he was one of the bearers of the Olympic flame.

“When my place was validated for the Games, I was very motivated and I thanked my God for this grace. I am very calm and nothing scares me because I do not see an opponent who will scare me. I saw the grid and what scared me was only my weight because I risked being disqualified if I was overweight. At the moment, come what may because that is what I came here for. I came to fight because that is all I know how to do. I will give it my all, rest assured,” he told us.

The entire Congolese people will have their eyes fixed on this first entry which will perhaps set the tone for Congolese participation in these Olympics and which will perhaps give hope for a probable conquest of a medal that the DRC has been seeking since the creation of the Games of the modern era in 1896.


2024-07-27 09:54:33
#JOParis #calm #scares #opponent #scare #Arnold #Kisoka



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