JMT debt collection amounts soar, driving 2023 profits to grow 15%, exceeding 2 billion, paying dividends at 0.49 baht XD 11 Apr.

2024-02-12 17:04:47

JMT Network Services Public Company Limited or JMT Report on operating results for the year 2023 ending December 31 as follows:

The profit increased because the company had total income for 2023 equal to 5,086.6 million baht, an increase from the previous year of 677.1 million baht or an increase of 15.4 percent, coming from 1. Income from contracts made with customers equal to 355.3 million. baht increased at a rate of 8.5 percent from last year,

2. Interest and dividend income and profits from loans for purchasing receivables were 4,414.9 million baht, an increase of 611.6 million baht or an increase of 16.1 percent. from last year Income from debt collection was 86.8 percent of the company’s total income and 3. Insurance income was 316.3 million baht, an increase of 37.5 million baht or an increase of 13.5 percent. From last year, total revenue growth in 2023 is still considered to be in line with the revenue growth target that was set.

In addition, the company plans to pay dividends for the operating period from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 from retained profits in cash of 0.49 baht. The date for not receiving dividend rights (XD) is April 11. . 2024 and dividend payment scheduled for 3 May 2024.

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