Jilin Province: Depending on the progress of prevention and control work, the order of railway and road transportation will be gradually restored and the orderly advance of the return to flight will be resumed – Zhejiang Online

Jilin Province: Depending on the progress of prevention and control work, the order of railway and road transportation will be gradually restored

April 23, 2022 20:32:11
Source: CCTV News Client
Reporter Zhao Wenbin Zhang Chu Xu Yang Liang Yang

On the morning of April 23, the Jilin Provincial Government held the 44th press conference of this round of epidemic prevention and control to introduce the latest progress of epidemic prevention and control.

It was introduced at the meeting that Jilin Province will ensure the smooth flow of transportation channels, speed up the review and issuance of passes, and gradually restore the order of railway and road transportation depending on the progress of prevention and control work, promote the return of flights and flights in an orderly manner, and give priority to ensuring the supply of residents’ daily necessities. Further optimize the management and control policies for truck traffic, implement closed-loop management of “collect, walk and chase”, standardize the release, and strictly prohibit layer-by-layer overweighting. Strengthen key service guarantees, increase rescue support for freight enterprises, study and formulate targeted assistance policies and measures, effectively solve practical problems, and help enterprises tide over difficulties.

Editor:Wu Kejun

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Jilin Province: Depending on the progress of prevention and control work, the order of railway and road transportation will be gradually restored



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