JICA offers training in specific areas with full funding

Asunción, IP Agency.- For those who wish to advance their professional education and train in a specific area of ​​interest, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has provided fully-funded hybrid training scholarships for various courses.

One of the courses they offer is on Human resources development for the agricultural and rural digital transformation and the creation of a smart food chain under a public, private and academic alliance. This course seeks to provide the necessary knowledge to materialize the agricultural and rural digital transformation (DX) and the establishment of a SFC under a public, private and academic alliance of each country with the purpose of “co-creating a SFC” between Japan and the developing countries.

It should be noted that, among the links of the SFC, this program is focused on the technologies and efforts of the production stage. The deadline to apply is April 24, 2023, reported the Technical Secretariat for Economic and Social Development Planning (STP).

Another course offered is Construction of Territorial Brands (Territorial Branding) for Community Revitalization in Latin American countries, whose deadline to apply is June 6, 2023. This course seeks for participants to analyze and compare past examples from Latin America to increase their knowledge and skills in planning, implementation and Community revitalization management through territorial brand building, a method of developing local industries.

Finally, a course on Life Improvement Approach – Application of Extension Methodology and Training of Extension Agents for Sustainable Rural Development. The deadline to apply is June 6, 2023. This program is aimed at central and local government institutions, and non-governmental organizations in charge of rural development. The participation of people in charge of formulating policies, planning programs or projects or the institutional plan for rural development extension is sought. Those interested in applying for these scholarships must send all the required documentation in PDF format, each document in a separate file to becas@stp.gov.py.

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It should be noted that the Technical Secretariat for Economic and Social Development Planning (STP), in its role as coordinator of International Cooperation, promotes and channels different training offers granted by various countries. To learn more about these scholarships and other training offers, you can enter the following link: https://cooperacion.stp.gov.py/becas/.

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