JFK Assassination: New Documentary and Upcoming Film Projects – 60 Years Later

2023-11-22 15:05:05

On November 22, 1963, John and Jackie Kennedy were parading through Dallas in a Lincoln convertible when shots rang out. Affected, the American president would die a few hours later. His alleged killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, was quickly arrested, but was shot dead by Jack Ruby during his transfer.

Was Oswald the shooter? If so, was he the only one? Personal initiative or vast conspiracy? These questions are still being asked, 60 years after this tragedy and there is not a year without a film or documentary returning to the subject. On the occasion of this anniversary, the National Geographic channel broadcast a new documentary on November 5, JFK: A Day in History, with testimonies notably from the family’s bodyguards. We also see rare images, such as those of Oswald’s press presentation. It is visible on the channel website.

Cinema has also continued to revolve around this dark day in 1963, whether directly as with “JFK” or “Parkland”, or indirectly as in “The Butler” or “In the Line of Fire”. A new major project is in preparation, according to Deadline: “Assassination”. The director would be Barry Levinson (“Rain Man”) and the screenwriter David Mamet (“Men of Influence”, “Hannibal”). The film reportedly tells the story of how Chicago gangster Sam Giancana had JFK killed in revenge. He helped him get elected, but the president and his brother then turned against the mafia. Al Pacino and Shia LaBeouf are currently planned in the cast.

#Kennedy #fascinates #years #death

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