Jet Set Radio is coming to Ubisoft’s Roller Champions

2023-06-13 07:15:00

“Get ready to roll in Tokyoto Champions! We’re thrilled to announce that SEGA’s iconic Jet Set Radio will be bringing the beat to the rink on June 27th.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

What are you waiting for? Jump into this free team PvP sports game and fight for glory!

Download the game for free:

About Roller Champions:

Form a team with two other players and dive into the arena of Roller Champions, a team game combining fun, action and competition. Roller Champions is a 3v3 sports game where you go head-to-head against an opposing team, competing in speed, trickery, tackles and dodges! Be the first team to score five points by throwing the ball through the hoop!

What are you waiting for ? Jump into this free-to-play, team PvP sports game and groove your way to glory!”

#Jet #Set #Radio #coming #Ubisofts #Roller #Champions

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